in particular, due to the complicated development of the covid-19 epidemic, the demand for electricity from coal power plants is showing signs of decline, while the cost to keep

terahertz rays can move data 1,000 times more than a normal 100 megabit network.

recently, the indian power business association has come to an agreement that it will deploy a comprehensive firewall system, combined with many other security measures.

have you ever wondered how much electricity costs around you every day, every year? let's find out for the answer!

computers and attached peripherals also contribute significantly to high monthly electricity bills. in fact, a computer (and monitor) can consume approximately the same amount of

life is growing, smart devices are more and more widely used in every family, making our lives become more relaxed and comfortable, but these devices lead to obsession. photos from

1 lightning when struck down carries a huge energy source, temperature 30,000 ° c, 20 times the temperature needed to turn silica sand into glass. so why don't we collect energy

recently, renewable energy not only far exceeds coal, but its consumption rate also keeps growing higher. in the beginning, the rate of renewable growth far surpassed all forms of

guess how much wind turbines our world needs to meet the demand for power use?

scientists from the national university of singapore have developed an electrochemical method to treat industrial wastewater, using electricity as a pure substance for cleaning.

recently, the dubai government has announced the plan to build the largest waste plant in the world.

researchers in switzerland and the united states are inspired by electric eels (also called electric eels) to create a biocompatible hydrogel battery that can generate electricity

then one day not far away, it is the clothes on your body that can create electric power sources for smart watches or smartphones ... is it really this story, with us? find out in

a vanderbilt group led by professor doug adams is testing a new thermoplastic called elium.

people living on the northern coast of new south wales in australia will have the opportunity to experience new, more sustainable transportation services. it is a new transport