data disaster can be very unpredictable as it can occur in many forms. no matter what measures you take to protect your data, data loss or data disaster can happen any time.

there is nothing we can do when we press the 'send' button, so is there any way to avoid these risks? here are 5 tools that can help you avoid those fatal mistakes.

in this tutorial we will show you how to export and import the entire forefront tmg configuration for backup and test purposes.

scientists have discovered that an ancient human skull in papua new guinea could be the victim of the world's oldest tsunami.

the video below will help us better understand that terrible disaster. of course, everything is just a hypothesis of scientists, but it may be even more formidable.

in human history, we have experienced many devastating disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, snowstorms ... destroying the environment, robbing hundreds of

frank hoogerbeets, a dutch scientist, has issued a warning about a series of devastating earthquakes that will occur in the next few days in an article with the earthquake

summer with record heat makes people feel uncomfortable and sometimes wants prices that the earth does not have summer. in fact, in history there was a time when people lived in a

the earth may be threatened by a giant meteorite weighing 40 million tons, if its impact occurs its destructive power is equivalent to 65,000 american atomic bombs dropped on

the group of american astronomers has found evidence of the existence of a twin planet with the sun, which once caused great catastrophe on earth. let us find out about the lost

the huge amount of co2 produced from this lake has caused one of the most devastating natural disasters in history.

the explosion of the chernobyl nuclear power plant has passed 30 years, but the consequences of the explosion left are still worrisome for people. one of the environmental