There was a year when the Earth had no summer and the world history was changed
Summer with record heat makes people feel uncomfortable and sometimes wishes "the earth has no summer". In fact, in history there was a time when people lived in a year without summer, that was 1816 . So what happened in that year, was the Earth better?
The history has proved that the Earth without summer does not become better but on the contrary, the tragedy happened that made the whole world turn to a new page.
The eruption of Tambora volcano
In April 1815, Tambora volcano in Indonesia was 2,772m above sea level erupted after years of rekindling, with loud explosions like thousands of cannons. This is considered the most powerful volcanic eruption in modern history . The eruption pushed a large amount of volcanic rock, tons of ash and SO2 (sulfur dioxide) into the atmosphere, enough to cover the entire area with a 160km radius around. It is estimated that the Tambora eruption is estimated to have destroyed about 800 million tons of TNT, 14 times more powerful than the Tsar bomb.
There was a year when the Earth had no summer and the world history was changed Picture 1
Erupting Tambora volcano
Summer does not appear to make the world happen but extreme weather phenomenon is judged that they change the history of the world. The most affected are the Eastern United States and the Appalachian mountains.
Tragedy from volcano
The tragedy began in the late 1815 and early 1816, when the spring did not come, the winter was long and the temperature dropped. There are recorded documents, this time is so cold that there are anecdotes telling them that birds die immediately while flying, possibly due to cold or death from starvation.
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Until May 1896, many parts of the world were still frozen even until June and July, snow and ice still falling in Appalachian and New England (USA). Severe weather conditions caused crop yields in many places to drop by 90%, prices of essential goods skyrocketed in both the United States and throughout Europe until 1817, 1818. 1816 became "The Year of Poverty. " "America's.
There was a year when the Earth had no summer and the world history was changed Picture 3
A world without summer
In China , the monsoon comes too strong, causing severe flooding.
In India , moist winds do not appear, causing severe droughts, and flooding again when the dry season makes the disease spread, the bacteria mutate into another form, which is more adaptable. . This event is the cause that cholera can threaten humans to this day.
There was a year when the Earth had no summer and the world history was changed Picture 4
Floods occur in many places
World history changes
Summer does not appear, extreme weather conditions appear to change people's lives.
In Yunnan (China), the productivity of food crops is so low that farmers are forced to look for larger sources of income. After decades, this process has facilitated the formation of "Golden Triangle" - Golden Triangle (rugged mountain area between the borders of Laos, Thailand and Myanmar, famous as a place to produce medicine. The world's largest opium in the past).
The position of the United States has also changed slightly because New England farmers have moved to the West in the hope that summer will appear.
In the Arctic , the temperature warms again, causing frost here to melt, forming the Northwest Passage between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
In short, we would rather accept a hot summer but there are more interesting things than having to go through these disasters.
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