• 11 Awesome Ways to Use the Canva App

    11 Awesome Ways to Use the Canva App
    you may have heard of canva and even used it to create logos, social media posts, collages, or blog banners. but this easy-to-use graphic design tool can do a lot more than you
  • Reference Canvas in HTML

    Reference Canvas in HTML
    the html canvas tag is used to draw graphics on the fly, via scripting (usually javascript). to learn more about canvas, please read the html canvas tutorial.
  • Canvas element in HTML5

    Canvas element in HTML5
    the element is used to draw simple word graphic elements such as lines to complex graphics (lines, boxes, circles, lettering, image insertion ...). however, one thing in
  • Collection of 'super laptops' of the future

    Collection of 'super laptops' of the future
    laptops in the coming years no longer hold designs folded with two screen parts - today's boring keyboard.
  • 4 tips for beginners to Word

    4 tips for beginners to Word
    make the mouse pointer return to the old position: those who have had to manipulate text files with dozens of pages must have penetrated the 'pain' when searching and repairing on