Search results: business lessons

let's take a look at 5 ways to help you become a valuable employee and get the owner to keep working forever in the article below!

there are many things that any entrepreneur can learn from cuban's successes and here are 5 important business lessons from billionaire mark cuban - a small part of everything he

as an entrepreneur, everyone wants to culminate in his career to achieve successful success. however, to achieve this peak, an entrepreneur should understand and avoid the

the key to successful business, according to facebook ceo mark zuckerberg, is that you like it, love it and make the effort to achieve it.

if you spend all your time working, you don't have life. cats never spend all their time just hunting.

lack of capital, wrong choice of founders, lack of vision, loss of concentration .... and there are other reasons why the dream of starting a business failed.

tomas gorny's life - the true story of a person who is a step ahead of the spirit of overcoming difficulties will be a powerful inspiration for anyone who is nurturing the dream of

you should not do things differently because they are different. they need to be better.

while steve jobs and richard branson are mastering the business world at the age of 25, others try to make a turning point in their careers.

according to the co-founder of billionaire airbnb startup, the most important thing about startups is enthusiasm. if the founder is not enthusiastic enough, who is willing to