• Leaked Android update 5.1

    Leaked Android update 5.1
    while android 5.0 is being deployed for devices, information about android 5.1 updates has begun to leak.
  • Android is increasingly stifling under Google

    Android is increasingly stifling under Google
    google provides android operating systems to manufacturers and allows them to customize their operating systems, but still must commit to providing google's own services. now,
  • Android grew strongly in many markets

    Android grew strongly in many markets
    the latest statistics of consumer data analysis company kantar worldpanel show that android has achieved strong growth in many markets in the last few months.
  • Android web traffic is about to surpass iOS

    Android web traffic is about to surpass iOS
    although newly released ios 8 with many outstanding features, apple should still be worried when android is developing with a growing market share.
  • Google wants to monopolize Android?

    Google wants to monopolize Android?
    google created android with the slogan as a fully open operating system and welcomes everyone to develop it, but this slogan is slowly losing value when many organizations have