Android web traffic is about to surpass iOS

Although newly released iOS 8 with many outstanding features, Apple should still be worried when Android is developing with a growing market share.

Although newly released iOS 8 with many outstanding features, Apple should still be worried when Android is developing with a growing market share.

For individual shipments to market every month, Android has surpassed iOS for a long time. Despite being led by Android, iOS is still the leading platform when leaving rival operating systems on web traffic. However, that fact tends to reverse in the next one or two months.

Net Applications is one of the most reputable companies in tracking web traffic globally. Latest data shows that in June, the rate of web traffic accessed from iOS devices has dropped significantly, while Android is growing at an impressive rate. Most likely, Android will surpass iOS in the global web traffic market share in July.

Android web traffic is about to surpass iOS Picture 1Android web traffic is about to surpass iOS Picture 1
Statistics of global users' usage status since August 2013.

According to Net Applications , Android's market share of global smartphones and tablets in June reached 43.75%. This number increased significantly compared to 41.58% in May and 37.75% in April. Meanwhile, iOS's market share for the first time fell below 50% in May, reaching 48.34%. . By June, this number continued to decline to 45.61%.

With the current growth rate, the ability for Android to surpass iOS for the first time on web traffic from mobile devices is entirely possible. On the other hand, the Android advantage may not last long when Apple is about to launch two new iPhone 6 models and the next generation of iPads this fall.

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