Standard Zalo cover photo size

Standard Zalo cover photo size. Usually you only choose the image you like to be the standard Zalo cover photo, but that image is not the right size so the image content is not displayed fully and clearly.

Usually you only choose the image you like to be the standard Zalo cover photo, but that image is not the right size so the image content is not displayed fully and clearly. You want to design or select images with standard sizes to make Zalo covers, but you do not know the size of standard Zalo covers? So let's find out in the article below.

Picture 1 of Standard Zalo cover photo size

If you use an image with a size too small, then the cover image may be blurred, but if you use the image with a large size, not in accordance with the standard size, the content in the image you want The display may not be displayed as you expected. Here are the sizes of zalo covers, standard zalo avatars, please follow along.

Standard Zalo cover photo size

Here are some requirements of Zalo cover photo size so that you can design a nice and standard cover photo:

  1. Maximum cover image size is 1MB.
  2. The minimum size of the cover photo is 320 x 350 pixels (safe area 320x180 pixels), you can increase the size of the cover image in proportion to the image to display more beautiful and clearer.
  3. The cover image format that Zalo supports is jpg, png.

Picture 2 of Standard Zalo cover photo size

How to change the cover photo on Zalo, on your zalo page you choose the dot icon -> update cover photo -> choose existing photos / take new photos. Or you can choose the cover image area -> select existing photos / take a new photo to choose the right sized image as zalo cover photo.

Picture 3 of Standard Zalo cover photo size

Also you can refer to the size of the avatar image (avatar) Zalo

  1. The maximum size of avatars is 1MB.
  2. The minimum size of avatars is 150 x 150 pixcel, you can increase the image size in 1: 1 ratio for a nice and clear avatar.
  3. The image format that Zalo supports is JPG and PNG.

Picture 4 of Standard Zalo cover photo size

Above the article has shared with you the Zalo cover image sizes, standard Zalo avatar images, so you know the standard sizes to be able to design beautiful and clear Zalo avatar images. Good luck!

Update 18 May 2020


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