Save now how to fix hidden Animations in PowerPoint effectively

Animation in PowerPoint is hidden, making it impossible to add motion effects? Try the method shared by TipsMake now!

Animation in PowerPoint is hidden, making it impossible to add motion effects? Try the method shared by TipsMake and your problem will be solved in a snap.

PowerPoint is a specialized software used for presentations with a large number of users around the world. But, no matter how perfect a software is, sometimes problems will still arise. And in today's article, we will learn together about hidden Animations in PowerPoint . This is an extremely annoying problem that prevents PowerPoint users from using motion effects.

Picture 1 of Save now how to fix hidden Animations in PowerPoint effectively

What is the situation when Animation in PowerPoint is hidden?

To make the presentation more attractive, we will add motion effects to our presentation. And to be able to do this, you will have to go to the animation tab. Normally, this tab will be located in the ribbon bar as shown in the image. However, in many cases, users who open PowerPoint cannot find it as usual.

When the animation tab in PowerPoint suddenly mysteriously disappeared. Surely you will feel worried and not know if your computer is broken or not. However, in reality, the answer is not as serious as you think. According to my experience, this situation can be due to one of the following two reasons.

1/ You accidentally hid it

Maybe you don't know, but we can customize the ribbon bar to our liking. And most likely during manipulation. You have accidentally hidden the animation tab on the ribbon bar. This is the most common reason why you can't find the animation tab in the usual location. In this case, the fix is ​​very simple, you just need to display the animation tab again.

  1. Step 1 : Open PowerPoint software, then select the file tab in the upper left corner of the screen.
  2. Step 2 : Select options on the bottom left edge of the screen.
  3. Step 3 : Select Customize Ribbon then tick the Animation box in the right pane of the screen. Finally, you just need to click ok to save and you're done. When you return to PowerPoint's working screen, you will see the animation tab appear in the old position. Or if not, try restarting PowerPoint!

Picture 3 of Save now how to fix hidden Animations in PowerPoint effectively

2/ Your PowerPoint version is outdated

In case you are using a new computer. But I installed and used an old version of PowerPoint. This may cause the software to be incompatible with the computer. This can cause quite a few errors and the hidden animation tab can also come from here. (Although this condition is quite rare, you should still consider it)

In this situation, of course the most effective solution would be to install a new PowerPoint. If your computer configuration is not too strong, you can install and use the 2010 version. Personally, I think this version is quite full of features and the performance is also very good.

If the device is powerful enough, of course you can choose the latest version. However, to make sure you don't get errors again, try to use PowerPoint with full copyright instead of cracking it.

Picture 5 of Save now how to fix hidden Animations in PowerPoint effectively

And so we have just learned together the cause and how to fix it when Animation in PowerPoint is hidden . The information I bring in this article is not too much. However, I believe that these contents can help you quickly solve the problem of hidden animations on PowerPoint.

Update 12 April 2024


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