Malware on Mac updates the new version

'Apple' has released a temporary fix to block the widespread trend of fake virus software in the form of a computer protection program on Mac.

After the malware spread to the Mac line, Apple had to find a way to solve this problem.

Picture 1 of Malware on Mac updates the new version

While there is no way to handle it thoroughly, " Apple " is forced to release a temporary operating system bug fix to prevent the widespread trend of fake virus software in the form of computer protection programs on Mac. .

However, recently, criminals compose the virus that Mac Defender has released a new version of the variant that can "surpass" Apple's current fix, while raising the level of malicious software. This harm.

After downloading automatically, the new version does not need to ask the user to type the password to be able to install it on the computer, but instead, it automatically shows the installation program and prompts the user to press "Continue."

With sophisticated design, many Mac users will be confused and lost in the virus trap, helping the type of malware successfully installed on the computer. Once the device is installed, the virus will automatically delete the original installer. Since then, users will continue to be victims of digital crime.

This new version is now named MacGuard , to distinguish it from the early version of Mac Defender.

In the meantime, public opinion is waiting for a response from Apple manufacturers, in the context of "Apple" is falling into a difficult situation as Microsoft has encountered.

Because virus developers are always one step ahead of computer protection methods, there is nothing that can prevent criminals from continuing to release even more dangerous versions of the virus, while Apple Still struggling to fix the existing viruses.

Update 26 May 2019


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