Step 1 . Create a file with parameters like Figure 1:
Macromedia Flash - Running text effect Picture 1
Figure 1
Step 2 . Select the Text Tool , adjust the colors, match the font size and type the words ' '.
Macromedia Flash - Running text effect Picture 2
Step 3 . Right-click Frame 2 and select Insert KeyFrame
Figure 3 Macromedia Flash - Running text effect Picture 3
Step 4 . Do the same step Step 3 for Frames 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Step 5 . Click Frame 2, click on the text on the canvas and set it to a different color depending on you
Macromedia Flash - Running text effect Picture 4
Figure 4
Step 6 . Do the same for Step 5 for Frames 4 and 6 with different colors you choose.
Step 7 . Do the same for Step 3 for Frames 8, 9, 10, ., 22
Macromedia Flash - Running text effect Picture 5
Figure 5
Step 8 . Click Frame 8, click on the Text Tool , blacken the letter Q in and set its color to white (matches the background color, see Figure 6).
Macromedia Flash - Running text effect Picture 6
Figure 6
Step 9 . Do the same step Step 8 for the remaining frames until the end of the text.
Step 10 . Press Enter + Ctrl to check the result. Download the source file here !