Macromedia Flash - Vivid photo effects Picture 1
Macromedia Flash - Vivid photo effects Picture 2
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Step 2
Create a new flash file. Press Ctrl + J ( Document Properties ) to set the width of the file to 350 px , the height to 239 px (or the general size of the photos you have prepared). Set the background to white, Frame rate to 32 , after setting it all, press OK .
Macromedia Flash - Vivid photo effects Picture 6
Step 3
Rename the current layer as photo 1 by double-clicking on the default name (Layer 1).
Step 4
Go to File > Import > Import to Library . In the file explorer window, find up to 5 photos that you have prepared, hold Shift and select those photos, then click Open . If you are opening the Library ( Ctrl + L ) section on the Flash screen, you will see 5 photos that you just imported appear.
Macromedia Flash - Vivid photo effects Picture 7
Step 5
Use the Selection Tool ( V ) and use the drag and drop technique to drag the first photo from the Library into the work area.
Step 6
While the image is still selected, go to the Align Panel ( Ctrl + K ) and do the following:
- Make sure the To Stage button of Align / Distribute is selected
- Click the Align horizontal center button
- Click on the Align vertical center button
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Step 7
Still select the image, press F8 ( Convert to Symbol ) to convert the image file into a Movie Clip.
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Step 8
Click on frame 5, 10 and 15 and press F6, respectively
Step 9
While you're still on frame 15, take the Selection Tool ( V ) and click once on the image. In the Properties Panel ( Ctrl + F3 ) below, in the Color menu select Advanced . Click the Settings button and make the adjustments as follows:
Macromedia Flash - Vivid photo effects Picture 10
Repeat the process at frame 1
Step 10
Right-click anywhere between frame 1 and 5, between frame 10 and 15 on the timeline and choose Create Motion Tween from the menu that appears.
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Step 11
Create a new layer above the layer photo 1 and name it photo 2
Step 12
Click on frame 12 of photo 2 and press F6 key. While you're still on frame 12, using the Selection Tool ( V ) drag the next image from the Library into the work area. Then repeat steps 6 and 7.
Step 13
Click on frame 17 and 22 of layer photo 2 and press F6 one after another . While still on frame 22, repeat step 9. Do the same for frame 12.
Step 14
Right-click anywhere between frame 12 and 17, between frame 17 and 22 on the timeline bar and choose Create Motion Tween .
So we have done 2 effects for image 1 and image 2. Continue to do the same process with the rest of the images with each image is a layer and the same distance as above. Download the source file here .