Macromedia Flash - Animation and rotation effects Picture 1
Step 2
Create a new flash file, press Ctrl + J (Document Properties) and set the width to 300 px and height to 225 px , with the background color white. Set Frame rate to 55 and click OK .
Macromedia Flash - Animation and rotation effects Picture 2
Step 3
Name the current layer as picture by double-clicking on the default name (Layer 1) and renaming. Press Enter after entering the new name.
Step 4
Go to File > Import > Import to stage ( Ctrl + R ) and import into the image you prepared in step 1.
Step 5
Select the imported image, press F8 (Convert to Symbol) to convert it into a Movie Clip Symbol .
Macromedia Flash - Animation and rotation effects Picture 3
Step 6
Select the newly created Movie Clip ( picture ), go to the Align Panel ( Ctrl + K ) and select the following properties:
- Click the To Stage button in the Align / Distribute section
- Click on Align horizontal center
- Click on Align vertical center
Macromedia Flash - Animation and rotation effects Picture 4
Step 7
Click on frame 15 and 70 and press F6 key on the keyboard respectively. While selecting frame 70, press F6 10 times. Then click on frame 100 and press F6 key.
Step 8
While you're still on frame 100, take the Free Transform Tool (Q) and enlarge the image like this:
Macromedia Flash - Animation and rotation effects Picture 5
Step 9
After that, select the Selection Tool (V) and click once on the picture to select it. Go to the Properties Panel ( Ctrl + F3 ), on the right you will see the Color menu. Select Advanced in this menu and click the Settings button, then set the following color ratios:
Macromedia Flash - Animation and rotation effects Picture 6
Step 10
Go back on frame 80 and go to the Properties Panel ( Ctrl + F3 ). At Tween choose Motion , for Ease set to 100 and Rotate choose CW .
Macromedia Flash - Animation and rotation effects Picture 7
Step 11
Select frame 71 and press Delete key on the keyboard. Repeat this process for each frame 73,75,77 and 79.
Step 12
Go back on the first frame and repeat step 8
Step 13
After that, select the Selection Tool (V) and click once on the picture to select it. Go to the Properties Panel ( Ctrl + F3 ), on the right you will see the Color menu. Select Advanced in this menu and click the Settings button, then set the following color ratios:
Macromedia Flash - Animation and rotation effects Picture 8
Step 14
Select the Filters tab on the left side of the Properties tab, click the plus icon ( + ) and select Blur . Then set the options as follows:
Macromedia Flash - Animation and rotation effects Picture 9
Step 15
Right-click anywhere on the gray area between the two keyframes on the timeline and choose Create Motion Tween from the menu that appears.
Macromedia Flash - Animation and rotation effects Picture 10
And finally, try running your product. Donwload the source file here .