Step 2
While the text you just entered is still selected, press F8 key (Convert to Symbol) to convert this text into a Movie Clip.
Step 3
Click on the newly created Movie Clip, go to Action Script (F9) and enter the following script:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = random (90);
_x = _x = random (300);
_y = _y = random (225);
Note : If your flash file has a different width and height, you can change the corresponding proportion in the above code with _x as the width and _y as the height.
Step 4
Using the Selection Tool (V) , select the text after you have entered the scipt code and press several times Ctrl + D (Duplicate) to multiply this object several times. Then, place them in different positions spread out across the background (see the following picture).
Press Ctrl + Enter to test the newly created product.