Step 1
First save the picture below, we will use it for this lesson.
Macromedia Flash - An attractive photo appearance effect Picture 1
Step 2
Create a new flash file. Press Ctrl + J on the keyboard ( Document Properties ) and set your text length to 350 pixels and your text height to 263 pixels . Choose white as the background color. Set your Flash movie 's frame rate to 33 and click OK
Macromedia Flash - An attractive photo appearance effect Picture 2
Step 3
Call the current layer photography . Double-click on its default name (Layer 1) to change the name. Press Enter when you have typed in a new name.
Step 4
Select File > Import > Import to stage ( Ctrl + R ) and import the image you just saved in step 1.
Step 5
While the image is still selected, press F8 ( Convert to Symbol ) to convert it into a Movie Clip.
Macromedia Flash - An attractive photo appearance effect Picture 3
Step 6
While the new Movie Clip ( photography_mc ) is still selected, go to the Align Panel ( Ctrl + K ) and follow these steps:
1. Make sure that the Align / Distribute in To Stage section is enabled.
2. Click the Align horizontal center button
3. Click the Align vertical center button.
Macromedia Flash - An attractive photo appearance effect Picture 4
Step 7
Now click on frame 30, 45, 55, 65 and 80 and press F6 .
Step 8
Now go back on frame 45, select the Selection Tool (V) and click on the photo. Then go to the Properties Panel ( Ctrl + F3 ) below, select Filters tab on the left part, and click on the 'plus' icon and select Blur . Make the following changes:
Macromedia Flash - An attractive photo appearance effect Picture 5
Then click the 'plus' icon again and select the Adjust Color Filter . Make the following changes:
Macromedia Flash - An attractive photo appearance effect Picture 6
Repeat the above steps for frame 55.
Step 9
While you're still on frame 55, select the Free Transform Tool (Q) and enlarge the image like it is shown on the picture below
Macromedia Flash - An attractive photo appearance effect Picture 7
Step 10
Select the Selection Tool (V) again and click on frame 55. After that, go to the Properties Panel ( Ctrl + F3 ), for Tween choose Motion , for Ease set 100 , for Rotate choose CCW . As shown below:
Macromedia Flash - An attractive photo appearance effect Picture 8
Step 11
Right-click anywhere on the gray area between frame 30 and 45, between frame 55 and 65 on the timeline and choose Create Motion Tween from the menu that appears.
Macromedia Flash - An attractive photo appearance effect Picture 9
The work is complete, you can download the source file here .