Laptop not charging, battery light flashing, looking for the cause

Laptop battery not charging, flashing light is a phenomenon you are experiencing but don't know why and how to fix this problem?

Laptop battery not charging, flashing light is a phenomenon you are experiencing but don't know why and how to fix this problem? TipsMake will help you learn about this condition.

Laptop charging is indispensable to provide energy for the device to operate. However, you cannot always charge your computer battery normally. There have been many problems related to charging the battery such as not charging the battery, receiving the charger but not charging the battery, charging slowly, charging too fast but running out quickly. Today, we discuss with TipsMake about the problem of laptop not charging. Flashing battery light !

Picture 1 of Laptop not charging, battery light flashing, looking for the cause

Why is the laptop battery not charging and the light is flashing?

The flashing red laptop battery charging light makes you worried and even worse, your laptop won't charge even though it's plugged in? This seems like a pretty serious situation. First, let's find out why the computer does not charge the battery and the light flashes in detail as follows:

Reasons why the battery light is not charging

As you know, the LED light on a laptop is responsible for emitting warnings to the computer. Depending on the condition of the device, the flashing lights are different and the colors are also different. As for the red flashing warnings, it certainly brings a feeling of anxiety because the device is telling you it is having some problem. However, knowing the exact problem depends on the type of laptop you use.

Some specific examples of battery not charging and flashing lights

  1. For example, a flashing light when plugged in on an HP laptop is a notification that the battery is faulty or the battery charger is not connected properly. Therefore, this is also the leading cause for laptops not charging and having continuously flashing lights.
  2. For Asus laptops, if the charger light flashes and the battery does not charge, it is likely because the charger you are using for the laptop is broken. Or it could also be due to a short circuit or temporary failure of the AC adapter.
  3. The flashing laptop battery charging light warning error on Dell laptops may be due to: The laptop's battery is temporarily defective, seriously damaged, or you are using a non-Dell AC adapter.
  4. With Lenovo laptops, flashing and not charging may be a problem with the battery or AC adapter.
  5. For Acer laptops, this warning may indicate that the power source from the AC outlet is lower, not enough power to charge the laptop's battery. Or it could be because the laptop is not compatible with the charger you are using.

Picture 3 of Laptop not charging, battery light flashing, looking for the cause

Instructions on how to handle when the laptop is not charging, the battery light is flashing

  1. So it can be seen that the main reason the laptop cannot be charged and the light flashes when plugged in is mainly due to the battery or the laptop charging power source being unreliable. It is also possible that the charger you are using is broken, of poor quality, or not compatible with the laptop.
  2. The temporary fix is ​​to check if you plugged in the charger correctly. Make sure to plug in the charger with a stable power source. If it still doesn't work, try removing the battery and plugging it in to charge directly to see if the battery returns or not? Make sure you use the correct laptop charger.
  3. In the remaining cases, it is better for users to take the device to reliable warranty or repair centers. The technician will check and know exactly how damaged your laptop is. Only then can we find a suitable solution for the computer.

Above is information about the status of laptop battery not charging, flashing light. Although there are not too many ways, the admin hopes that these solutions will help you.

Update 09 December 2023


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