How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

Sarahah is an application that sends anonymous questions similar to the application, the sender of the question is completely kept secret and we have to answer questions on social networking sites.

Some readers may still remember the question submission application used to create a trend for a while in the online community. And recently the social network users handed each other the extremely new name is Sarahah. So what is Sarahah?

Similar to, the Sarahah application is a service that sends questions anonymously, meaning that the recipient of the question will not know who sent it, the question will be sent anonymously. However, the difference between the Sarahah app and other question-submission apps is that Sarahah will not allow direct replies to incoming messages. Users will only answer those questions by posting directly to social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram. For that reason, Sarahah quickly created waves spread throughout the online community. So how to create and use Sarahah application? The following article of Network Administrator will guide readers.

Now Sarahah application has supported the phone version and the web version, we can download the application or access the home page of the application.

1. How to create and use Sarahah on your phone:

  1. Download the Sarahah Android app
  2. Download the Sarahah iOS app

Step 1:

After downloading the application according to the link above, we open Sarahah. In the first interface the application will ask if you want to click the notification. Then the advertising interface, click Start to use.

Picture 1 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook
Picture 2 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

Step 2:

Next, on this interface if you do not have a Sarahah account, click Register below to register an account. User registration interface needs to enter the required information, including Username to create an account Sarahah, Email to determine the account. Select Agree to Terms and Conditions to agree to the terms of use. Then click Sign Up below.

Picture 3 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook
Picture 4 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

Step 3:

After successfully creating an account, Sarahah will ask if you allow the application to access Contacts. Then in the Profile view , you will see the Sarahah account address so people can submit that question to you.

Picture 5 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook
Picture 6 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

Step 4:

To share this address on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, . click the humanoid icon , then select the sharing icon . After that, the application will ask you to share it on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp. Or you can click Copy to copy this link.

Picture 7 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook
Picture 8 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

Step 5:

Here I will choose Facebook. The Sarahah link shared on Facebook account will be like a regular article. You can write content, then click Post to post.

Picture 9 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook
Picture 10 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

When others see the link of the post, they simply click on the link and then send the question to you. The interface to enter the question will look like the image below. The sender will not need to create a Sarahah account, just enter the question and then click Send to send it.

Picture 11 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

Step 6:

When accessing the application if there is a question, you will see the number of messages right on the interface. To see the question content, click on the Messages icon at the bottom of the interface. To answer the question, click the Send icon and then select the social network account to answer.

Picture 12 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook
Picture 13 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

The question content will be transferred as image below. The rest is to answer this anonymous question and click Post to finish.

Picture 14 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook
Picture 15 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

Step 7:

Also when clicking on the gear icon , we will come to the application setup interface.

Picture 16 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook
Picture 17 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

2. How to create and use Sarahah web version:


Step 1:

We visit the link above to get to Sarahah's web-based interface. At the interface, first click Register to register an account.

Picture 18 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

Step 2:

The input interface will look like the image below. We fill in the required information, also check I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions .

The Username section is the display name in the Sarahah account link later. Then click Register below.

Picture 19 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

Step 3:

We will then be transferred to the Sarahah registration interface successfully.

Picture 20 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

To put the Sarahah account link on social networks, we right-click the link to the account address at this interface, then click Copy link address .

Picture 21 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

Step 4:

You just need to post that link to your social network account like Facebook, then post as a normal post. The web version will limit the link sharing account more than the phone version.

Picture 22 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

Step 5:

When other people click on this link, they just need to enter the question then click Send below to send it to you.

Picture 23 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

Step 6:

To check if there are messages, questions sent to you, at the account interface, click My messages on the same interface. Just below will be the questions you get.

Picture 24 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

Step 7:

When you click on Settings we will have the option to change personal account information, especially Remove Account , to delete the created Sarahah account. If you want to delete your Sarahah account, you must proceed to the web version. The Sarahah phone version will only have the option to log out the account.

Picture 25 of How to use Sarahah to send anonymous messages on Facebook

The above is a detailed guide on how to create a Sarahah account as well as how to use the service to submit this question. Overall, Sarahah is basically an application that sends hidden messages to senders, without limiting the content of questions. Hopefully in the future, Sarahah will improve the answer to the question, allowing direct answers to questions sent to the account.

I wish you all success!

Update 25 May 2019


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