10 questions of brainstorming try your quick reaction
Interesting multiple-choice questions test your acumen.
- Sentence 1. November 20 is the anniversary of Vietnamese teachers. Does America have November 20 or not?
- Have
- Is not
- Question 2. In 1 year, the month has the 31st, the month has the 30th day, so how many months have the 28th day?
- first
- 2
- twelfth
- 7
- Question 3. On average, each person has at least how many birthdays
- first
- 2
- More than 2
- 3
- Question 4. Fill in the blanks: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, (.)
- 6
- 11
- 13
- 15
- Question 5. There are 4 mangoes on the table, you take 3, how many mangoes do you currently have?
- first
- 3
- 2
- 4
- Question 6. Two bus cars (buses) collide on the Vietnam-China border. Passengers on both cars are tourists from all over the world like (USA, Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa). After the accident, in which country should survivors be buried?
- Vietnam
- China
- People of any country buried in that country
- Should not be buried in any country
- Question 7. Is it reasonable or not if a man in Saigon marries his widow's sister's sister?
- Have
- Is not
- Question 8. You attend a contest, you pass the 2nd person, so what is your position?
- first
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Question 9. You have 1000 plus 40. Now you add another 1000. And now add 30 . Add 1000 more. Add 20. Add another 1000. Plus 10. How much is the total?
- 3900
- 4000
- 4100
- 5000
- Question 10. Father Mary has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2 Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono.
- Nunu
- Nene
- Mary
- Doggy
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