How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games. Many times you enjoy watching famous streamers like Viruss, Mixi Gaming every broadcast, right? If you also want to share your gaming moments up

Many times you enjoy watching famous streamers like Viruss, Mixi Gaming every broadcast, right? If you also want to share your gaming moments on social networks, or record videos of computer tips, software like me . then there is a way to do that very simple. It is using Bandicam software - one of the most popular screen recording software today.

Picture 1 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

Step 1: Download and install Bandicam software

You access the address to download Bandicam software.

Picture 2 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

Proceed to install the Bandicam screen recording software, choose the Vietnamese language for ease of use. The next steps only need Next to be easy to install.

Step 2: Choose the output of the video

In the main interface of the software, you select the General tab , pay attention to the Output folder , where you will choose the output of the video for the most convenience.

Picture 3 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

Select the folder you want, Videos after recording will appear here.

Picture 4 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

Step 3: Set up videos

Back in the General tab , select " Advanced options ":

Picture 5 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

Select the Other tab >> We have 3 video settings are recording, video format and auto-complete recording .

Picture 6 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

Here you customize the functions according to your intention, first try in the section Setting up video recording :

In the Recording settings window, you will see that 5 cards are equivalent to custom options: Audio, Webcam, Mouse over, Logo, Options . You should spend 10 minutes to set up the recording features to the most satisfactory.

Picture 7 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

In the Format settings section, you have to choose 2 MP4 and AVI video formats . Along with that is the choice of video and audio properties such as size and frame.

Picture 8 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

Step 3: Make video recording.

In the main interface, Bandicam supports individual recording mode for a specific area or window:

Picture 9 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

Using this screen recording window, only the contents inside are recorded.

Picture 10 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

Press the REC button to start recording

Picture 11 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

Click on the brush icon in the recording window, you will have the tools to draw directly on the video:

  1. Pencil, marker: Customize brush strokes.
  2. Squares: Insert a square frame.
  3. Eraser: Delete redundant brush strokes
  4. Palette:  Change the stroke color
  5. Draw arrows, straight lines
  6. Numbered

You can do this both before and during the recording.

Picture 12 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

Click the Stop icon to stop recording.

Picture 13 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

Open the destination folder from which you installed and will see the newly recorded video here:

Picture 14 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

You can start using video to steal it as you like, share it on social networks.

Picture 15 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

However, please note that the free version of Bandicam will leave a watermark on your video, you need to register a paid version to remove it and open more special features.

Picture 16 of How to use Bandicam to record screen videos, video games

Above are the basic steps to use Bandicam in returning to your computer screen. Overall, Bandicam is a very good tool with light capacity, fast working speed, stability with many great features.

For now, let's start right down to record the gaming moments of ecstasy or a helpful tutorial!

Update 19 May 2020


Mac OS X



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