How to style pages symmetrically on Word
Page number manipulation in Word or page numbering on Excel is no stranger and very simple for users. There will be different types of page numbers such as Word page numbering from any page, or decimal page numbering in decimal 1/2. Some types of documents used to print books use symmetric page numbering. This means that the number of pages of even pages and odd pages on Word will be symmetrical, displayed respectively on the left and right of the Word document. So how to number Word pages symmetrically?
- How to create Header in Microsoft Excel
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Instructions for inserting symmetrical Word page numbers
Step 1:
You find the first page in the Word file and click on the bottom of the footer.
Then appear the position of inserting Footer as shown. In the Design section, Options selects the Different Odd & Even Pages . This is the setting of Word page numbering mode, even symmetrical.
Step 2:
Next, select the Page Number and select Bottom number to select the page numbering style at the bottom of the page.
We will insert the page number on the first page on Word as shown.
Step 3:
Scrolling down to the second page also clicks on the bottom of the footer to insert the page number, also selects the Different Odd & Even Pages, then looks to the Page Number and then select Bottom number. But you will select the symmetrical page style of the selected position on page 1.
We will get the second page number that is different from page 1 as shown.
Finally exit the footer mode and scroll down to the third page to see the page number on the same page as page 1.
But when you scroll down to the fourth page, the position is the same as the 2nd page. That means the odd page will have the number of pages in the lower left position, the even page will have the number of pages in the lower right position, symmetrical.
A new way for you to insert page numbers on Word in symmetrical parity. We just need to select the symmetrical even numbering mode on Word, then insert the number of pages in different positions to finish.
Video tutorial inserting symmetrical page numbers on Word
See more:
- Fix word sticking errors in Word 2007
- Simple way to convert PDF files to Word
- How to quickly convert Word files to PDF?
I wish you all success!
You should read it
- Page numbering in Word
- How to type pages in Word 2007 from any page
- How to number page combination i ii iii and 1, 2, 3 on Word
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- How to number a PDF page
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