How to number pages in word (from the beginning or any page)
For long documents in Word, page numbering is essential to make it easier for you to search and edit text. For page numbering from beginning to end of the document, almost everyone knows and has used it but sometimes you need to bookmark the page from anywhere in the Word document, not from the beginning. You don't know how yet.
Follow the article below, which teaches you how to number the page from the beginning to the end of the Word document and how to number the page from any position in the text.
1. Number the page starting from the first page in the Word document.
You choose Insert -> Page Number . Here you have the options:
- Top of Page: Bookmark the page at the top of the page.
- Bottom of Page: Bookmark the page at the bottom of the page.
- Page Margins: Bookmark page margins.
- Current Position: Bookmark the page at the position where the mouse cursor is positioned.
For example: You choose to highlight in the middle, at the bottom of each page (Bottom of Page), select Insert -> Page Number -> Bottom of Page -> select the first type and position in the middle.
Similarly you can choose for themselves the position and type of bookmark as you like. The scrollbar in Simple will have many types of bookmarks for you to choose.
So Word documents are automatically numbered from the beginning to the end of the document.
2. Number the page from any page in the Word document.
Step 1: You put the cursor on the top of any page that you want to start bookmarking.
Step 2: Select Page Layout -> Breaks -> Next Page to separate the text into 2 different sections: 1 section from the cursor position to the end of the text and 1 section from the beginning to the end of the page without the mouse cursor.
Step 3: Choose Insert -> Page numbers -> Format page numbers .
The Page Number Format dialog box appears , select the page numbering style in Number format and select Start at 1 or any starting value you want to start bookmarking. Then click OK .
Step 4: You choose Insert -> Header / Footer or select Page number to bookmark, then select the bookmark type. Example of bookmarking in the middle of the bottom of the page:
Step 5: So you have numbered the page of both sections to delete the number of pages in section 1 you need to disconnect between the two sections by clicking off the yellow of Link to Previous in the Design section of Header & Footer Tools .
Step 6: After you have broken the 2 sections, click Footer Section 1 and delete the page number and bookmark type and click Close Header and Footer .
Thus Section 1 has no page numbers and page numbers only start from Section 2 (from the position of the mouse cursor).
So you know how to number pages in Word starting from the first page or starting from any page in Word documents. Good luck!
You should read it
- Number the page for the text in Word
- How to type pages in Word 2007 from any page
- How to style pages symmetrically on Word
- Number pages from any page in Word 2016
- How to type pages in Word 2010
- How to number pages on Word 2013
- Any page numbering in Word
- Instructions for numbering pages from any page in Word quickly 2020
- How to number page combination i ii iii and 1, 2, 3 on Word
- How to add pages in Word
- How to paginate pages from any page in Word 2016
- Page numbering in Word
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