The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired

Page numbering in Word 365 is an important task when you are drafting or doing a thesis on Microsoft Word tool. If you don't know how to number pages in Word 365, please follow TipsMake's instructions below!

Numbering pages in Word 365 as desired is a simple operation, but not everyone knows how to do it. And to help your document look more scientific and easier to follow, please also follow the instructions below.

How to number pages in Word 365 as desired

Depending on needs, users can choose how to number pages in Word 365 to help essays, reports, etc. become more beautiful, easily follow the document content and make a good impression on readers. Readers.

1. How to number pages in Word 365 from the first page

Immediately after completing the process of drafting your thesis, report, etc., you can start numbering pages in Word 365 to make the product more professional, while ensuring that viewers can search. easy to use.

Step 1: Open the Word document , in the main interface click Insert => press Page Number .

The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 1The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 1

- Choose the page numbering position in Word 365 as desired.

The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 2The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 2

Step 2: After completing, the page number will automatically fill in as shown below. Click Close Header and Footer to finish the process.

The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 3The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 3

2. How to number pages in Word 365 without the first page

During the implementation process, if you do not want to display page numbers on the cover or table of contents, you can number the pages in Word 365 from page 2 through the instructions below.

Step 1: Perform page numbering in Word 365 from the first page according to the instructions above.

Step 2: Click Layout => click the expand icon .

The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 4The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 4

Step 3: Select Layout => check the Different first page box => press OK .

The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 5The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 5

3. How to number pages in Word 365 from page numbers greater than 1

Besides the above methods, you can also number pages in Word 365 from page numbers greater than 1 to track and search for specific information without any difficulty.

Step 1: Press Insert => press Page Number => select Format Page Numbers .

The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 6The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 6

Step 2: Check the Start at box and enter the page number greater than 1 =>  OK .

The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 7The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 7

4. How to number pages in Word 365 from any page

In case you want to number pages in Word 365 on any page, you can refer to our steps below.

Step 1: Click Layout => press Break => select Next Page .

The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 8The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 8

Step 2: Continue pressing Insert => press Page Number and choose any page numbering position .

The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 9The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 9

Step 3: Remove Link to Previous =>  Close Header and Footer .

The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 10The most effective way to number pages in Word 365 as desired Picture 10

Frequently asked questions about page numbering in Word 365

1. Is page numbering in Word 365 necessary?

Page numbering in Word 365 is essential depending on the purpose and nature of the document you are working with. Here are some reasons that page numbering can be useful:

- Easily track content: Page numbers help you and your readers easily locate sections in the document, from the cover page to the appendices.

- Document management: Page numbers help you organize and manage documents more effectively, especially for long documents.

- References and citations: When you need to cite or refer to documents, page numbers are important information to help accurately locate content.

2. Does page numbering in Word 365 apply to other versions?

The page numbering feature in Word 365 is applicable to other versions including Microsoft Word 2019 and 2016. Although some features are slightly different, it does not affect page numbering much.

So, above are all instructions on how to number pages in Word 365 that readers can apply instead of having to waste time inserting numbers. Hopefully these useful tips will bring favorable results in your document editing process.

In addition, for convenience in printing documents as well as uploading to the Internet, readers can convert Word to PDF to avoid font errors and at the same time protect their information.

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