How to hide ads when playing games on your phone

Turn off ads when playing games, something that many mobile game players want when they have just finished playing a round or a level and ads immediately interfere and create an unpleasant feeling.

We can help you get rid of that uncomfortable feeling with a few tips below.

Before turning off ads, we must also note to you that many games will update gameplay content or new features. So sometimes you let the ads in that game work, so the game content is refreshed so you can continue playing.

How to block ads when playing mobile games

First, to block ads when playing games you need to clearly distinguish between games that can block ads. For games with continuously downloaded content , you will not be able to use turning off the network to play the game because if you turn off the WiFi or mobile network , it means you will not be able to download game content at different levels. / next level.

As for online games , you will need an internet connection to play, and even that internet connection must be stable. Games with only one game mode will sometimes have ads attached when the player completes that level.

Turn off Wifi network

Just turn off the Wifi network and you can reduce ads when playing games, but currently there are also many offline games that require players to turn on WiFi or mobile network to continue playing the game even if the game is not available. Is there a next level or something like that?

Ads will be added between levels. When completing a certain level, the game will play ads. However, the game can also play ads if you turn off WiFi in the middle of playing.

Picture 1 of How to hide ads when playing games on your phone

Turn off 4-5G

Of course, when you turn off Wifi, the game will automatically use your mobile network. If you are also using another application using the mobile network, you can only turn off the permission to use the mobile network of that game only. Just go to Settings > scroll down the application list and turn off mobile data for the game you want to not display ads and you're done.

Picture 2 of How to hide ads when playing games on your phone

Now even simple games like Tik-Tac-Toe will have advertising videos that the game developer places in the application. If you turn off the network, whether WiFi or mobile network, you cannot continue playing. Because these games need advertising to increase the "vibrancy" in the game.

Picture 3 of How to hide ads when playing games on your phone


Usually, using a VPN when playing games will only be for online games because sometimes the server you want to play on will be blocked in your region. So using VPN to access the game server will now be an option.

As for offline games, the nature of advertising in offline games only requires the internet to download ads, so using a VPN to block ads when playing offline games at this time will not be effective.

However, using a VPN to access online game servers will have certain advantages and disadvantages that we have summarized below.

Picture 4 of How to hide ads when playing games on your phone


  1. Helping you connect with friends in other regions, a VPN can help you connect to game servers in other regions and let you engage with players around the world.
  2. Besides, a VPN will encrypt your network traffic, thereby helping to protect your personal information and device data from snoopers. Especially when you play online games, you have to enter a lot of personal information.


VPNs help you access restricted areas but may reduce your internet speed. In addition, some games may block VPN or ban player accounts if using VPN to access the game.

It can be said that at the present time, it will be difficult for players to turn off ads in games because even for games without certain levels, the game developers require you to turn on WiFi or a new mobile network. can continue playing the game. And for many games, this is also their main source of revenue, so you can watch ads to support the games they make, for each game you only watch 5-10 seconds of advertising, then turn it off. It's okay to go.

Update 20 May 2024


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