How to export a list of running and stopped services in Windows

This tutorial will show you how to export a list of running and stopped services to a file in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

Service is a type of application that runs in the background without a user interface, similar to the UNIX daemon process. Services provide core operating system features, such as event logging, printing, error reporting, and so on.

This tutorial will show you how to export a list of running and stopped services to a file in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

Export the list of running and stopped services in the Command Prompt

Picture 1 of How to export a list of running and stopped services in Windows
Export the list of running and stopped services in the Command Prompt

Step 1. Open Command Prompt.

Step 2. Copy and paste the command you want to use below into the Command Prompt and press Enter.

(Export all running and stopped services)

sc query type= service state= all > "%UserProfile%DesktopAll_Services.txt"

(Export all running services)

sc query type= service > "%UserProfile%DesktopRunning_Services.txt"

(Export all stopped services)

sc query type= service state= inactive > "%UserProfile%DesktopStopped_Services.txt"

Step 3. You should now have a text file on your desktop, containing a list of all currently running and / or stopped services.

Export a list of running and stopped services in PowerShell

Picture 2 of How to export a list of running and stopped services in Windows

Step 1. Open Windows PowerShell.

Step 2. Copy and paste the command you want to use below into PowerShell and press Enter.

(Export all running and stopped services to .txt file)

Get-Service | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-File -f

(Export all running and stopped services to .csv file)

Get-Service | Export-Csv -path "$Env:userprofileDesktopAll_Services.csv"


(Export all running services to .txt file)

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-File -filepath "$Env:userprofileDesktopRunning_Services.txt"

(Export all running services to .csv file)

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Export-Csv -path "$Env:userprofileDesktopRunning_Services.csv"


(Export all stopped services to a .txt file)

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Stopped"} | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-File -filepath "$Env:userprofileDesktopStopped_Services.txt"

(Export all stopped services to a .csv file)

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Stopped"} | Export-Csv -path "$Env:userprofileDesktopStopped_Services.csv"

Step 3. Now. You will have a .txt or .csv file on the desktop, containing a list of all currently running and / or stopped services.

Update 23 July 2020


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