How to assemble memory into the mainboard of a computer

How to assemble memory into the mainboard of a computer

In a computer, memory (RAM) is a temporary data storage device for the CPU to process. RAM has many standards with different types of pins, each standard of RAM is only compatible with the same standard slot on the motherboard. In addition, to avoid the case of plugging in the direction, RAM and slots are designed with slots/slots lying to one side.

Here are the steps to assemble the memory (RAM) into the Mainboard

Check the position of the pins between RAM and Mainboard must match.

Picture 1 of How to assemble memory into the mainboard of a computer
Check the position of the pins between RAM and Mainboard

Unlock the brackets on either side of the slot and place the RAM in the slot.

Picture 2 of How to assemble memory into the mainboard of a computer
Unlock the two sides of the slot and put the RAM in the slot

Use two thumbs to press on the top of the RAM stick, and at the same time two index fingers push the two locks on either side so that they fit into the two slots located on the RAM.

Picture 3 of How to assemble memory into the mainboard of a computer
Use two thumbs to press the top of the RAM stick

Check again and install other RAM sticks if any. 

Picture 4 of How to assemble memory into the mainboard of a computer
Check again and install other RAM sticks

If the Mainboard supports dual RAM (Dual Chanel), install two RAM sticks in place of two slots of the same color.

  1. Remove the RAM by pushing the two locks of the slot to the sides, the RAM stick will emerge by itself.
  2. The RAM must be assembled tightly and in the correct direction with the slot. 
  3. After turning on the switch, if the machine does not work and has a persistent beep sound, it may be because the RAM is damaged or installed incorrectly. Please check and reinstall the RAM.


Update 08 May 2023


Mac OS X



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