Facebook Messenger has a problem, many Vietnamese users cannot send photos

Many Facebook users said they could not send photos via Facebook Messenger application on both the web platform and on iOS and Android. The incident occurred from about 21:00 on April 18 and the next few hours have not been overcome.

Many Facebook users said they could not send photos via Facebook Messenger application on both the web platform and on iOS and Android. The incident occurred from about 21:00 on April 18 and the next few hours have not been overcome.

If you send photos, on the Facebook application for Android application, a message "Send failed. Click to try again or delete", and on iOS will have a message "Failed to send. Could not complete the work service". In the message interface on the PC, Facebook will announce "Please try again. Please make sure you are uploading a valid file".

Picture 1 of Facebook Messenger has a problem, many Vietnamese users cannot send photos

Notify on Messenger after sending photos to the web version.

Previously, Facebook Messenger in Vietnam also had a problem that could not display the list of friends last month and was suddenly stopped, could not work on iOS devices, nor can it be accessed on the 5th. /twelfth.

Currently, Facebook has no comment on this incident.

  1. Facebook admits to 'scan' all user messages on the Messenger application
  2. Facebook adds video calling for Messenger Lite
  3. The chat group on Facebook Messenger adds administrative rights
Update 24 May 2019


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