Facebook doesn't want to argue more about how many people are using their apps!

User statistics are important signals for investors and observers about how the company operates as well as the pace of development of the platform. However this may soon change.

In a report summarizing the situation in 2018, Facebook has confirmed its social networking platform owns more than 2.3 billion regular users (calculated monthly) and still maintains a steady growth.However, immediately, the famous Facebook critic Aaron Greenspan accused that this social media giant had no way to accurately calculate the actual number of users on their platform. - In other words, Facebook only knows how many accounts are frequently accessed on their platforms, but it is impossible to grasp the exact number of how many flesh-and-skin people are behind those accounts, It is normal for a person to use multiple accounts at the same time.So, the number of regular 2.4 billion Facebook users that this social network offers is satisfactory?

Picture 1 of Facebook doesn't want to argue more about how many people are using their apps!

  1. 50% of current Facebook users can be fake accounts

User statistics are important signals that allow investors and observers to assess how the company operates as well as the growth rate of the platform.However this may soon change.

Facebook stated in its quarterly review meeting that it would start removing these figures, instead calculating only by aggregate by 'app cluster', including Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp.

"Over time, we hope that application-clustered metrics will play a key role in how companies assess their performance, gradually moving towards completely eliminating capital community data. only on Facebook ", CFO Dave Wehner of Facebook shared.

This seems to be a rather unexpected move, especially when it is launched by a company with billions of users and would love to report 'frivolous' data as often as possible.

It is clear that Facebook is still receiving hundreds of thousands more new users every day, but this increase is showing signs of slower than previous years.However, Facebook is still a large service platform with more than 2 billion users, and the remaining available users are still very large, such as in China and smaller markets have not been declared. waterfall.

Picture 2 of Facebook doesn't want to argue more about how many people are using their apps!

  1. Facebook continues to keep its momentum despite the big privacy scandals

At the same time, Instagram and WhatsApp are still growing rapidly and becoming increasingly important for the company.Only these two services already own more than one billion users, and the number of new entrants is also very large (Facebook revealed that the number of Instagram Stories users has increased to 500 million daily users).

It is unclear what the purpose behind Facebook's move is, but after all they are still achieving success and maintaining a relatively sustainable growth.

See more:

  1. Mark Zuckerberg explains the reason for merging Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram
  2. Infringement of privacy, Facebook faces a million-dollar fine
  3. 15 technology companies deserve your most job application in 2019
  4. Mark Zuckerberg: 'I'm proud of the progress Facebook has made after a difficult year'.
Update 24 May 2019


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