Facebook allows bulk deletion of applications from accounts

Many people use Facebook accounts to log in to websites because they only need to get the username and password without creating a new account on that page.

Many people use Facebook accounts to log in to websites because they only need to get the username and password without creating a new account on that page. But the leak of Cambridge Analytica data shows us that these applications can be a nightmare for privacy issues and leave behind consequences beyond the internet world.

  1. The truth is that Cambridge Analytica has collected more than 87 million Facebook users, not 50 million
  2. How have 50 million Facebook users been taken advantage of by Cambridge Analytica to serve politics?
  3. How to check Facebook personal data is shared with Cambridge Analytica

Previously, you could hardly delete many applications that you gave access to data at the same time. But Facebook recently introduced a bulk delete tool, allowing changes in status with these applications in just one move.

This tool can be used on both desktop and mobile versions of Facebook. You open the settings, select Apps, then it will display a list of websites, applications, online services that you have given access to your account. Please select the items you want to delete and select Remove.

Picture 1 of Facebook allows bulk deletion of applications from accounts

Select websites, the application wants to stop connecting to Facebook and delete

It is unclear to what extent this tool has been released because while some say it has been seen for a few days, some have not yet seen it. If you haven't seen this tool yet, check that you've updated the latest Facebook version. If you have already updated, you should probably wait a while.

See more:

  1. How have 50 million Facebook users been taken advantage of by Cambridge Analytica to serve politics?
  2. How to turn off Facebook Platform to stop sharing personal data
  3. This is what Google and Facebook know about you, be prepared to not be shocked
Update 24 May 2019


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