Compare Public Network and Private Network on Windows 10

On Windows 10, there are 2 network setup modes: Public Network and Private Network. We will learn and compare Public Network and Private Network for you to choose the right setup for your needs.

1. Purpose and features of Public Network

Public Network – Connect to a public network. This is a mode that most Windows 10 users who do not know well will use, if you have already used them, then rest assured because this mode is extremely safe. Public Network will operate on a secure form of personal documents, other computers connected to the Internet with your computer will not be able to see what you share on the system. LAN network. This means that no one can access your personal data on the LAN system.

Picture 1 of Compare Public Network and Private Network on Windows 10

In addition to preventing computers that share the network from viewing documents on the LAN, Public Network also turns off file and printer sharing.

Public Network mode was born to help users better secure when accessing public networks such as: Café, airport, hotel.

2. Purpose and features of Private Network

Private Network – Connect to a private network. Private Network mode is an advanced mode and on Windows 10 will not use this mode by default, forcing you to tweak it manually. In Private Network mode we have 2 items including: Home NetWork (home network) and Work Network (work network, company .). If the Public Network does not allow you to share documents on the LAN, the Private Network works in reverse.

When Windows 10 is activated Private Network, the system will implicitly understand 'This is a secure, managed network connection' and they will allow other computers to see your computer in the shared network. This means that you and others can quickly share documents with each other over the LAN.

Picture 2 of Compare Public Network and Private Network on Windows 10

Private Network mode was born for you to connect to the network at work, company or home network because they support sharing documents over LAN. If you access strange networks, do not be fooled into Private Network mode because other people can easily exploit your information.

If you do not know how to convert Public Network to Private Network, you can refer to the following article:

How to switch Public Network to Private Network on Windows 10

In this article, Tipsmake has compared Public Network and Private Network for you to have a more objective view. Have a nice day!

Update 05 January 2022


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