• What is JavaScript?

    What is JavaScript?
    JavaScript is a programming language of HTML and WEB. It is lightweight and most commonly used as part of web pages, but their implementation allows Client-Side scripts to
  • Syntax of JavaScript

    Syntax of JavaScript
    JavaScript can be implemented using JavaScript commands that are placed in HTML tags ... in a web page.
  • Enable JavaScript in browsers

    Enable JavaScript in browsers
    All modern browsers come with support available for JavaScript. Often, you may need to manipulate to enable or disable this support. This chapter explains the procedure to enable
  • JavaScript location in HTML File

    JavaScript location in HTML File
    There is flexibility in providing JavaScript code anywhere in an HTML document. However, the most preferred ways to include JavaScript in an HTML file.
  • Variable in JavaScript

    Variable in JavaScript
    One of the most distinctive features of a program language is the set of data types it supports. This is the type of value that can be represented and manipulated in the program
  • Operator in JavaScript

    Operator in JavaScript
    We see the following simple expression: 4 + 5 is equal to 9. Here 4 and 5 are operands and '+' called operator - operator.
  • If ... else command in JavaScript

    If ... else command in JavaScript
    While writing a program, there may be a situation when you need to follow one of a set of choices. In this case, you need to use conditional commands that allow your program to
  • Switch Case command in JavaScript

    Switch Case command in JavaScript
    You can use multiple if ... else ... if statements as in the previous chapter to make a multiple choice branch. However, it is always not the best solution, especially when all
  • The while loop in JavaScript

    The while loop in JavaScript
    While writing a program, you may encounter a situation where you need to perform an iterative action. In these situations, you will need to write loop commands to reduce the
  • For ... loop in JavaScript

    For ... loop in JavaScript
    The for ... in loop is used to iterate over the properties of an object. When we haven't discussed the object yet, you may not feel comfortable with this loop. But once you
  • Loop control in JavaScript

    Loop control in JavaScript
    JavaScript provides high control to handle loop commands and switch commands. There may be a situation when you need to exit the loop without having to go to its endpoint. There
  • JavaScript functions

    JavaScript functions
    A function is a group of reusable code that can be called anywhere in your program. This makes it unnecessary to write the same code over and over again. It helps programmers
  • Event (Event) in JavaScript

    Event (Event) in JavaScript
    JavaScript interaction with HMTL is handled through events that occur when the user or browser manipulates a page.
  • Page navigation (Redirect) in JavaScript

    Page navigation (Redirect) in JavaScript
    You may have a situation when you click on a URL to go to page X but you are directed to page Y. It happens because Page Redirection - Redirects the page. This concept is
  • Dialogs - Alert, Prompt, Confirmation in JavaScript

    Dialogs - Alert, Prompt, Confirmation in JavaScript
    JavaScript supports 3 important dialog types. These dialogs can be used to notify, confirm input, or receive input from users. Below we discuss each type of dialog box.
  • Void keywords in JavaScript

    Void keywords in JavaScript
    void is an important keyword in JavaScript that can be used as a unary operator before its single operand, which can be in any type. This operator defines an expression to be
  • Print pages in JavaScript

    Print pages in JavaScript
    Many times you will love to put a button on your website to print the content of that page through a printer. JavaScript helps you perform this function by using the print
  • Objects in JavaScript

    Objects in JavaScript
    JavaScript is an Object Oriented Programming language (Object Oriented Programming). A Program Language can be called object-oriented if it provides four basic capabilities to the
  • Tutorial for creating slideshows in JavaScript with 3 easy steps

    Tutorial for creating slideshows in JavaScript with 3 easy steps
    If you are studying or interested in programming, do not skip the article below to guide how to create slideshows in Java Script with 3 simple steps.
  • 7 Framework JavaScript for mobile application development

    7 Framework JavaScript for mobile application development
    If you want to start creating mobile applications, there are three main languages ​​to choose from: Java for Android, Swift applications for iOS or JavaScript applications for