Page navigation (Redirect) in JavaScript
What is redirecting the page?
You may have a situation when you click on a URL to go to page X but you are directed to page Y. It happens because Page Redirection - Redirects the page . This concept is different from: JavaScript - Refresh page .
There are many different reasons why you want to redirect users from the original page. Here are some reasons:
You don't like your domain name and you're trying to switch to a new domain. In this case, you may want to direct all your visitors to the new site. Here, you can maintain the old domain name, but put a single page with a redirected page so that all old domain visitors can reach the new domain.
You have built different pages based on the browser or its name or can be based on different countries, then, instead of using re-page navigation in Server-Side, you can use redirecting the Client-Side page to redirect users to the appropriate page.
Search Engines may have indexed your pages. But while moving to a new domain, you don't want to lose visitors through search engines. So you can use the redirection of the Client-Side page. But keep in mind that this should not be done to deceive Search Engine, it could make your site a banned page.
How does Page Redirection work?
The process of Page Redirection is as follows:
Example 1
It is quite simple to implement Page Redirection using JavaScript at Client-Side. To navigate visitors to a new page, you just need to add a line of code in the head area as follows:
You should read it
- How to Refresh a Page
- Learn about Off-Page SEO techniques
- Syntax of JavaScript
- What is landing page in SEO?
- How to Disable JavaScript
- How to Use JavaScript Injections
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