Beyond iOS 10, iOS 11 is installed on 47% of devices

Only about 3 weeks after the public release, iOS 11 usage rate has reached 47%, completely surpassing iOS 10.

Only about 3 weeks after the public release, iOS 11 usage rate has reached 47%, completely surpassing iOS 10.

According to analysis of Mixpanel, iOS 11 is installed on 47% of iOS devices, while iOS 10 only accounts for 46%. The remaining 6.7% still runs the lower OS, from iOS 9 and below.

The figure shows that iOS 11 acceptance is lower than iOS 10 at about the same time last year. The old operating system only needed 2 weeks to pass iOS 9 while with that time, iOS 11 was only installed on 38.5% of devices.

See also: What is the difference between iOS 11 and iOS 10?

However, the approval rate increased gradually. In 24 hours, iOS 11 was installed on 10% of the device and in a week, the number was 25%.

Picture 1 of Beyond iOS 10, iOS 11 is installed on 47% of devices

iOS 11 has surpassed iOS 10, becoming the most installed OS on iOS

So far, Apple has released 3 small updates for iOS 11 to fix some bugs discovered since its inception. The latest update is iOS 11.0.3 which was released yesterday.

The first major update, iOS 11.1, is still in the process of being implemented and may drag more iOS 10 users to the iOS 11 team. New updates will introduce new emoticons, re-introduction of 3D Touch swipe gestures that allow manipulation with App Switcher with one hand.

Update 24 May 2019


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