Should the updated iOS 11.2.6 update be launched?

After many waiting days of the iFan community, the iOS 11.2.6 update has been officially released and now all users of iOS devices can install this upgraded version. However, there are also many people who still have not grasped the information related to this update and wondered if iOS 11.2.6 should be upgraded for their iPhone or iPad device.

After many waiting days of the iFan community, the iOS 11.2.6 update has been officially released and now all users of iOS devices can install this upgraded version. However, there are also many people who still have not grasped the information related to the latest update and wondered if iOS 11.2.6 should be upgraded for their iPhone or iPad device. The following article will help you make the right decision by giving the reasons why and should not access iOS 11.2.6. Please read along for reference.

  1. iOS 11.2.5 just launched, should it be updated?
  2. Errors when upgrading iOS 11.2.5 and how to fix it
  3. IOS 11 upgrade you need to know the following issues

1. The reasons for iOS 11.2.6 update

Update to fix the problem

As we know, Apple released iOS 11.2.6 for the main purpose of fixing Indian characters (Telugu), causing iPhone and iPad to hang. Previously, if you sent an Indian character and when you clicked to send a message, the screen would start to have a stall phenomenon and then it would be impossible to open the Messages application again, because this application tries display that Indian character but failed. Now when you decide to update iOS 11.2.6, this situation will of course be completely terminated.

Should the updated iOS 11.2.6 update be launched? Picture 1Should the updated iOS 11.2.6 update be launched? Picture 1

Upgrade if you want to end the trouble of connecting accessories

Not only patching the Indian characters, iOS 11.2.6 also helps users troubleshoot some third-party applications that cannot interact with accessories that are connected to the iPhone or iPad. Realizing that your device (running iOS 11.2.5 or below) is also experiencing this problem, you can choose the update option to iOS 11.2.6 to enhance the experience process.

Update to handle performance-related issues

IOS 11.2.6 update has a positive impact on the overall performance of iPhone, iPad. Although not listed on the list of changes that Apple announced, the Gottabemobile technology page said that iOS 11.2.6 has partly solved previous problems such as battery drain, flickering Wi-Fi connection or Bluetooth error. This is one of the good news for users and you can proceed to upgrade to iOS 11.2.6 if you feel necessary.

Should the updated iOS 11.2.6 update be launched? Picture 2Should the updated iOS 11.2.6 update be launched? Picture 2

Updated for long-term application support

Don't be confused, but upgrade iOS 11.2.6 to the device for long-term application support. According to the developers, they are inclined to stop supporting iPhones and iPads using older iOS versions. For example, Niantic announced that users need to upgrade to iOS 11 to play Pokemon GO after this February. In addition, the latest update of Google Chrome browser also only allows operation on iOS 10 and above. Other names like Slack and Asana are also opening up the possibility of not supporting devices that still use iOS 9.

Should the updated iOS 11.2.6 update be launched? Picture 3Should the updated iOS 11.2.6 update be launched? Picture 3

2. The reasons for not upgrading iOS 11.2.6

Do not update when you are not well prepared

Any new version, when there is no optimal preparation, it is best not to rush to upgrade. With iOS 11.2.6 too, the situation loses all possible information if you subjectively do not back up the information before upgrading. Besides, please delete unnecessary data if your device is full of memory to make room for iOS 11.2.6 download.

Do not update if your device is jailbroken

The jailbreak community has released the official jailbreak for iOS 11.0 and iOS 11.1.2, if you have used the iPhone and iPad jailbroken devices, do not upgrade to iOS 11.2.6 because this will make your device You lost the jailbreak immediately. You can expect Jailbreak developers to release versions for iOS 11.2.6 soon, we also do not encourage Jailbreaking because this will affect the warranty program and damage the rights. your own.

Should the updated iOS 11.2.6 update be launched? Picture 4Should the updated iOS 11.2.6 update be launched? Picture 4

Do not install if the device remains stable

Your device is stable, not encountering the errors mentioned above, upgrading to iOS 11.2.6 is not really necessary for you to do at this time. However, if you still want to experience and explore the new version, try to wait for another time to listen to feedback from the iPhone and iPad community before upgrading. Not good feedback you can wait for iOS 11.3 version to be released in March next.

We have just recently learned about the latest iOS update and the question of whether to upgrade iOS 11.2.6. The reasons should and should not update iOS 11.2.6 will greatly support you in making your decision.

Hope the article is useful to you.

See more:

  1. Instructions to turn off iOS update notifications
  2. Backup jailbreak application when upgrading iOS
  3. Guide to downgrade iOS 11.3 to 11.2.2, 11.2.5
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