Antivirus in the way of CMC InfoSec

Today, where there is a computer there is a virus. Viruses can infect any type of file, they creep into every corner of the computer. How to effectively prevent viruses?

Today, where there is a computer there is a virus. Viruses can infect any type of file, they creep into every corner of the computer. How to effectively prevent viruses?

Not only are the files of .com, .exe, .bat and viruses also infecting executable codes in the boot sector of a floppy disk or in some system areas of the hard disk, infecting the program's editors. Microsoft. The mode of infection is also extremely diverse, not merely as before. They infect via external devices, attachments, links in e-mails, shared files, infected via the Internet when downloading files, entering the web with malicious code through cross-errors. site scripting.

Picture 1 of Antivirus in the way of CMC InfoSec
All Adobe errors, Flash, Windows vulnerabilities, vulnerabilities of utilities are thoroughly exploited by hackers. When a user downloads or launches a virus-infected program, the virus is activated and attempts to infect other programs, on your computer or spread to both the LAN and the Internet. The process of virus infection usually takes place very " silently ", users will not be aware of that. Because after infection, your computer is still running normally and you can hardly recognize their existence when they are not destructive.

Different from the previous purpose of virus writers primarily to assert themselves, or to make fun games, the main goal now is to target the financial, pocket of victims, they steal fish information. personalities, credit card bank accounts, data corruption.

Virus technology has reached a perfect technique when combined with rootkit technology to bypass the range of security vendors. They increase both in quantity, the level of danger, the ability to spread. One day I don't know how many new viruses were created and how many new variants were born. Security houses are also forced to race with the virus, where the virus is born, the anti-virus software must update the sample there.

The virus pattern is the most important, only when the sample is available, can experts begin to research and analyze from there to find out the solution of that virus. Virus development technology means that anti-virus software must also update and improve new technologies to keep up with the virus. The ability to be quick, an automated virus analysis system combined with a team of skilled professionals is a decisive factor for a security firm.

How to prevent and fight

According to experts Vietnam security company CMC InfoSec, users now often entrust their computer network to antivirus software, but no matter how strong the software is, the sense of use Users still remain the most important factor.

Here are some CMC InfoSec measures that businesses, administrators, and end users can protect against malicious code activity.

Organizations should monitor all computer connections , including network security activities, ensuring that any 1 infected device will be disconnected and handled promptly. Organizations should have an in-depth strategy including deploying antivirus software and firewalls. Need to prevent and prevent viruses on all roads: Gateway, mail server, data server system, workstation.

Network administrators should update the anti-virus software regularly and ensure that all desktops, laptops and servers are updated with all necessary security patches from vendors. level. Micro infected machines will be a threat to the entire system.

Organizations need to take control of inbound and outbound traffic to ensure that malicious communications are not taking place. Organizations that perform filtering of malicious files attached to mail to reduce business exposure to end users.

Companies enforce policies that restrict applications that can access the network to minimize the effects of malicious code. Turn off and remove unnecessary services. Execute effective password policy, configure email server to block emails without attachments. Isolating infected computers quickly to prevent the risk of infection in the system, training employees not to open mails with attachments attached. Ensure that emergency response procedures are in place, this includes backing up and restoring lost or compromised data in the event of an attack.

In addition, the educational institution manages the security policy of the enterprise. Be aware that security risks can be automatically installed on computers that share programs, free downloads, and crack programs.

Update 26 May 2019


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