5 unknown things about old computers

Today we use GHz speed instead of MHz, store with GB instead of KB. If you compare it with 20 or 30 years ago, the period when the personal computer revolution appeared, we are now living in a paradise.

Today we use GHz speed instead of MHz, store with GB instead of KB. If you compare it with 20 or 30 years ago, the period when the revolution of personal computers appeared, we are now living in a computer paradise. But there are some things of old computers that we still care about.

1. More random access memory (RAM) to handle

A previous quote was attributed to Bill Gates that 640KB was enough for any computer user. This is just our joke today, but in 1981 it was.

Apple II and Commodore 64 common computers have 48KB and 64KB of system memory, and the basic configuration for IBM machines is only 16KB. Some people complained. For the first decade personal computers, hard-core cores must not exceed the 640KB limit. But today, even 2GB is not enough to allow Windows to learn about virtual memory.

2. Customize "Registry" easily

Do you want to customize WordPerfect settings? Please open the preferred text editor to edit the content of the WP.INI file.

Before introducing the Windows 95 Registry, the .INI file is a way to help you customize a PC. Make sure that some parameters seem a bit confusing, but it's still better to decrypt the HKEY_local_machine parameters that mysteriously sabotage Windows machines 12 years ago.

The .INI file is also easy to backup, restore, exchange and mix into a file without stopping the entire system.

Picture 1 of 5 unknown things about old computers
3. Suitable software

Back to the very high price of hard drives (so very rare on most computers), the optimal choice at that time was the floppy disk, depending on the operating system you were using that could hold 180KB. There is no hard drive, the software must match the floppy disk, which means that the application must also be compact and discreet. You can easily run the program with your own settings on any compatible computer if you're always ready to carry some discs. Recent innovations such as the U3 spec for the new USB drive are starting to bring that power to modern PCs.

4. Quick start

Microsoft spent a lot of time researching to reduce Windows boot time, but consider it: With all the hard drives, antivirus utilities, and other utilities loaded into memory (Do you really Do you need them on your computer?) Maybe you need a cup of coffee before you can do any activity on your PC.

Previously, every operating system was built in ROM (so the computer is ready as soon as you turn on the switch) or when you download it from a disk (only takes a few seconds).

5. What is a virus?

There are absolutely no malware or viruses on personal computers - but protecting the computer from viruses is not as big a problem as it is today. Running a virus scan program takes less time; Once most PCs lack a hard drive, you can make sure the floppy disk is clean and not infected by write protection. In a way, one centimeter of tape could still provide better protection than a series of current virus-blocking software.

Update 25 May 2019


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