5 silly mistakes when fixing computers that many people still believe in their necks

Gizmodo has surveyed and summarized the 5 most silly mistakes that users often make when fixing a computer.

The computer malfunction, not working normally as before is something that everyone has encountered at least 1 time during use.

If unfortunately this case along with no professional knowledge, it is best to take the computer to a service center for safety. Do not rely on the advice of the online community to repair themselves at home and then 'cure the pig to become lame'.

Gizmodo has surveyed and summarized the 5 most silly mistakes that users often make, according to the share of computer repair facilities in the US. You should refer to avoid suffering offline.

1. Attach the battery pack to the Ethernet cable to increase the speed of Internet connection 3

One of the most trusted sources of information and the option to refer to when your computer has an issue is YouTube. However, if you do not know how to select users, it is easy to become victims of YouTubers without mind, make videos with the purpose of sentence view.

Video tutorial to tie the battery into an Ethernet cable to increase the speed of Internet connection is 3 among them. It sounds ridiculous, but many users believe this and follow.

Picture 1 of 5 silly mistakes when fixing computers that many people still believe in their necks

2. Dry the wet laptop with a microwave

There are many ways to handle when the computer is exposed to water, but of which absolutely should not put them into the microwave. According to experts, this is really a silly and extremely dangerous method because it can cause fires, toxic fumes and destroy both computers and microwaves.

3. Use rice to handle wet computers

One method that a lot of users trust and share with others is to let a wet laptop or phone into a rice crate, after a while they will work normally. In some cases, this method is effective, but it also leaves a lot of trouble.

As above, this method is effective in some cases. However, this method can also cause you problems when tiny rice grains can get inside the computer and get stuck in it.

In case your computer is sticky with lots of water, this method is almost useless because rice does not absorb water as strongly as many people think.

4. Put the hard drive in the refrigerator to 'revive'

In the past, netizens often told that if the hard drive died, put it in the refrigerator to 'revive' in a short time, enough to backup data, or copy important data to another hard drive. Because of the low temperature will help the metal plates inside the hard drive tighten.

However, this method has now become obsolete due to changes in the design of today's hard drives.

Picture 2 of 5 silly mistakes when fixing computers that many people still believe in their necks

5. Arbitrarily 'dissect' equipment for repairing or replacing components without specialized knowledge

When a computer malfunctioned, a lot of people who were confident of their own knowledge and YouTube instructions took apart their computers to repair and replace components. However, this can cause broken components, damage to wires and connectors, etc.

Update 12 February 2020


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