1-n relationship between tables in Access

The 1-n relationship is the type of relationship in which a record in the table may have multiple matching records in another table, but a record in the second table only has one matching record in the first table.

The relation 1-n is the most common type of relationship. In this relationship, a record in the table may have multiple matching records in another table, but a record in the second table only has one matching record in the first table.

To establish a 1-n relationship, you do the same as a 1-1 relationship.

Picture 1 of 1-n relationship between tables in Access
Steps to create Relationships similar to 1-1 relationship

First, delete the old relationship by clicking the Clear Layout option on the Design tab .

Picture 2 of 1-n relationship between tables in Access

Now you add a table about the work of each project  including CongviecID, DuAnID, TenCongviec, DoUutien, TinhTrang, MoTa, RightBatdau, Hanchot, File :

Picture 3 of 1-n relationship between tables in Access
Adding new tables There are fields as shown in the image

Save the table as tblCongviec and go to Relationship in the Design tab .

Picture 4 of 1-n relationship between tables in Access
Return to Relationship after Clear Layout as above step

Click the Show Table option to display the dialog box.

Picture 5 of 1-n relationship between tables in Access
The Show Table dialog box appears

Select the tblDuAn and tblCongviec tables , click Add to add both tables to the desktop and close the Show Table dialog box .

Picture 6 of 1-n relationship between tables in Access
Both tblDuAn and tblCongviec tables are added to the screen

To create a relationship between these two tables, use the mouse to click and hold the DuAnID field in the tblDuAn table , drag to the DuAnID field you want to connect to the tblCongviec table . When you release the mouse, Access will open the following window:

Picture 7 of 1-n relationship between tables in Access
Drag the two DuAnID fields of the two tables together to display the Edit Relationships dialog box

Click on the Create button and now these two tables are connected, establishing a relationship with each other.

Picture 8 of 1-n relationship between tables in Access
Two tables after establishing a relationship will show up like this

Previous article: 1-1 relationship between tables in ACCESS

Next lesson: 1-n relationship between tables in ACCESS

Update 19 June 2019


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