Your understanding of Facebook's features

The questions below will help you learn how to exploit Facebook and its effective tools.

  1. Question 1. How do I save an interesting article or an interesting video?
    1. Copy Copy that content to your account
    2. Select the Save article feature to Save
    3. Take a screenshot of the article
  2. Question 2. I don't use apps or games on Facebook, but I often get invitations to join apps and games from friends. What should I do to not be bothered by those invitations?
    1. Talk directly to those friends
    2. Notify Facebook again
    3. Turn off game and app notifications in settings
  3. Question 3. What should I do to review my day's activities in previous years on Facebook?
    1. Open a personal page and look up to this date of last year
    2. Use the function: In this old year On this day
    3. Use the search function by keyword: This day in the old days
  4. Question 4. To review my interactive activities on Facebook, what should I do?
    1. Open your profile and see the interactions with your article
    2. Open the profile and see the Activity log
    3. Open the Notification Notification section and see the articles I have interacted with
  5. Question 5. When viewing posts in groups, dark Facebook pages find that some users write content that is inconsistent with my point of view, how do I not see the information that the user posted? Facebook?
    1. Put that user in the Block list
    2. Report violations of such content with Facebook
    3. Report violations of such content to the Group Administrator, Facebook page Administrator
  6. Question 6. I often get friends to group groups on Facebook but I don't want this, can I stop this?
    1. Is not
    2. Have
    3. I can only block after I added to the group
  7. Question 7. Where can I see the friend requests I have sent on Facebook?
    1. Facebook does not list this list
    2. Go to your friends list, see Invitation sent in List of friend invitations
    3. Go to Settings Settings, select Friend Requests List
  8. Question 8. Who is the inheritance contact in my Facebook account?
    1. Facebook employees will manage your account after you die
    2. The person who will manage your Facebook account after you die
    3. The person will receive the right to inherit your physical property after you die
  9. Question 9. I lost my phone and I am logged in to Facebook on that phone. How do I not lose my Facebook account?
    1. Thanks to the help of mobile operators
    2. Inform your friends about this information
    3. Use the Logout feature on your phone
  10. Question 10. I went out to a public Internet store and logged in to Facebook, but when I forgot to log out Logout from my account, what should I do in this case?
    1. Return to the Internet store to log out of your account
    2. Use the Logout feature from that device on Facebook
    3. Temporarily lock your account in order not to steal information
Update 24 May 2019


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