Discover 6 interesting features on Facebook

There is no denying the attraction of the world's largest social network Facebook, besides sharing and connecting to many different friends but also, it also contains many other interesting features that can You don't know yet. Following along with find out.

There is no denying the attraction of the world's largest social network Facebook, besides sharing and connecting to many different friends but also, it also contains many other interesting features that can You don't know yet. Following along with find out.

1. Filter information from your friends list

If you have a lot of friends on Facebook, you will have a situation where there are times when your personal page is full of news (from those people) that you don't want to see. That does not mean that you will have to cancel friends with these people. You just need to go to their page, then click on Following , scroll down to the bottom and select Unfollow .

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2. Add friends to the photo album

You went on vacation with friends and you wanted to create a shared album to share with everyone the photos taken on that occasion. Just add them as contributors to your album. Go to the photo album and click Change to Shared Album . Then add the names of the photo contributors.

You can delete and / or add other people, allow or not allow their friends to add to the list of photo album contributors as well as maintain the security of shared albums.

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3. Add big events in life

For some reason, you may want to add an important event (in the present or the past) to your timeline, such as your college graduation date or the start of a new job. Go to your personal page, click Life Event , select the event type, then select or create your event.

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4. Turn on advertising notifications

An ad posted on a social network interests you but you want to follow it in a discreet way without having to give any comments. All you have to do is click on the top right corner of the ad, select Turn on notifications for this post .

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5. Call for free

Facebook allows you to do many things, including a call feature for your friends. For voice calls, you still have to use the Facebook Messenger service which offers voice / video calls on your computer and mobile phone.

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The best solution is to download and run the Facebook Messenger application on your mobile phone or access the website via your computer. Steps to make a call

  1. Open a conversation with the contact you want to call or access an ongoing conversation.
  2. Click on theCamera icon to start a video call or go to the Telephone icon to start the voice voice call.

6. Save the link to review later

This is a very interesting option but also very useful. For example, imagine that you are on the bus and you are browsing a video you absolutely want to see or the article you want to read, but you need a quiet space and read it on a big screen. And you know you will find it hard to find it on your timeline. Yes, it doesn't matter because social networks allow you to save links for a few months to see later.

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To do this, you need to click on the top right corner of the video or article you want to back up, select Save Link . Then find all your saved links arranged in the left order.

  1. Useful little tricks for Facebook
  2. 6 good tips for Facebook
  3. How to make a video call on Facebook

Wish you all new weeks!

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