Wrongly delivered 29kg packages to 79-year-old man, Amazon refused to receive them

Inside the package was an exercise machine that the old man said he had never ordered.

Mr. Tony Harding said that in fact, in January this year, he ordered a package of 20kg of recycled wood, but instead, Amazon shipped him a package weighing up to 29kg, inside was a piece. exercise machines.

When the delivery driver brought the package, Mr. Harding asked the person to check if there was anyone else in the fitness area, but the delivery man told him that he should contact Amazon, because The return of the goods is by someone else, not you.

" When I pointed out that the package contained a Nero Sports exercise bike, the delivery driver told me that maybe his wooden blocks were packed inside the package. While I was confused. check according to the proposal, he quickly ran to the car "- the old man said.

" When I thought about it more carefully, I suggested that he take the package back, or at least check to see if anyone else in this Bristol area is waiting to receive this fitness bike. After checking his notebook, he said that he could not bring the package back because his job was just to deliver the goods "- Mr. Harding continued.

Picture 1 of Wrongly delivered 29kg packages to 79-year-old man, Amazon refused to receive them

"Free exercise bike"

The funny thing is, his grandfather actually contacted Amazon to ask them to ship him 20kg of wood that he had ordered. The Amazon employee now agreed to send him the right package, but like the shipper, they refused to take back the exercise machine.

" People also told me that if no one came to get an exercise bike within 48 hours, I would be free to do anything with it. It's fine if I can use this exercise bike, but I can't use it, " Hardin explained.

Amazon eventually had to get the person to pick up the giant package after the ironic story was posted on the news, and the company said it was investigating the case with the shipping partner for a suitable solution. No further information on the incident has been revealed.

The wrong delivery of Amazon is no longer a strange thing. On the most recent Black Friday, Amazon sent a series of products to many customers by mistake. Some said they received condoms, dog food, or laundry detergent, instead of the Nintendo Switch gaming console ordered.

Reference: Softpedia


Update 12 March 2020


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