Windows Genuine is not spyware?

Microsoft's new move stems from the latest version of WGA regularly checking whether the Windows XP operating system version is legitimate on systems with this application installed and notifying Microsoft every day.

Microsoft has confirmed that Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) is not a spyware spyware.

Microsoft's new move stems from the latest version of WGA regularly checking whether the Windows XP operating system version is legitimate on systems with this application installed and notifying Microsoft every day.

Picture 1 of Windows Genuine is not spyware?
The first version of the WGA tool introduced last year regularly checks the legitimacy of Windows XP, ensuring that this is not a pirated operating system version. However, at this point this tool only works when users use the auto-upgrade feature or download something on the Microsoft website.

Last April, Microsoft upgraded WGA, added the Notifications feature to allow the application to regularly check the legality of Windows XP version even if the user does not use the automatic upgrade feature of operating system.

In a message sent through Microsoft's own public relations company, Waggener Edstrom, the developer said " the WGA Notifications feature only contacts Microsoft when the PC is started and not available. grant any information if the Windows XP version installed on the PC is a legitimate version, instead, the tool only checks through the server configuration settings to see if WGA is available. Whether it works on the system or not, this test also allows Microsoft to disable WGA when needed . "

Microsoft's move to protect itself stems from the fact that Lauren Weinstein told WGA to constantly connect messages to Microsoft whenever the PC is started even if the version of Windows XP installed on it is completely legal. .

This expert posted these notices on his blog site and called Microsoft's WGA to act as a spyware with the ability to gather information about users without informing them.

Thus, Lauren has raised concerns about privacy about how companies control their software today. These software are increasingly offered in the form of rental services rather than mainstream software.

" I don't think Microsoft needs to know the information about their products when it is proven to be completely legal ," Lauren said.

Hoang Dung

Update 26 May 2019


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