Which type of light bulb is the most economical to use?

Currently on the market there are many different types of light bulbs and electric lights such as LED bulbs, Halogen bulbs, CFL compact bulbs, fluorescent bulbs and incandescent bulbs. Among them, LED light bulbs are the type that use the least amount of energy when operating, helping to save the best electricity.

Light bulbs are one of the devices that contribute significantly to a family's monthly electricity bill.

Specifically, according to Vietnam Electricity Group EVN, lights will consume 10-15% of a family's electricity costs. However, if you know how to use it correctly and choose the right type of light bulb, you can save up to 70% of electricity.

Currently on the market there are many different types of light bulbs and electric lights such as LED bulbs, Halogen bulbs, CFL compact bulbs, fluorescent bulbs and incandescent bulbs. Among them, LED light bulbs are the type that use the least amount of energy when operating, helping to save the best electricity.

Specialized sites have measured over 5 lighting levels of different types of light bulbs to provide specific comparison tables, helping users more easily visualize the electricity consumption between different types of lights.

Picture 1 of Which type of light bulb is the most economical to use?
Picture 2 of Which type of light bulb is the most economical to use?

It can be seen that incandescent bulbs consume 25W of electricity at the lowest lighting level of 220+, and 100W at the highest lighting level of 1300+, so they consume the most electricity.

The light bulb that consumes the least amount of power and is the most economical is the LED light bulb that consumes only 3W when at a lighting level of 220+, and 70W when at a lighting level of 1300+.

Tips to save electricity when using lighting

In addition to using LED light bulbs, people can follow some tips to use the home lighting system to be more economical.

1. Do not turn the light off and on again continuously

Turning off the light bulbs when leaving the room, even if it's only for a short period of time, and turning the lights on when you return is a habit of many people. But this does not help save electricity but is also counterproductive and causes the light bulb to shorten its lifespan.

Therefore, if you only leave the room for 5-15 minutes, it is not necessary to turn off the lights.

2. Install separate switches for each type of light

You should install separate switches for each type of light in each different area of ​​the house to help the lights be used for the right purpose, at the right time, in the right place and the family does not waste electricity.

3. Use troughs/reflectors when installing lights

The light trough and reflector help distribute light from the bulb, protect the bulb and position the light, support the ballast, and connect the light to the power source.

Experts say that the trough and reflector will help the bulb have the highest level of illumination and reflection.

4. Take advantage of natural light during the day

Take advantage of natural light sources during the day, limit turning on too many lights in the house.

Update 10 July 2024


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