Let's do the experiment to see: How this magic potato root really works!
You need to prepare:
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1. In this experiment, you can use 2 potatoes or just 1 bulb and cut them in half.
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2. Attach each coin to a single potato and a zinc wash ring.
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3. Use a wire to connect a coin from this potato to a cushion of other potato chips. Then, use a clip available at the power cord. If not, wrap around the wire that is not covered with a metal insulation cover.
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4. LED bulbs have 2 wires - positive and negative. Attach them to a wire.
5. Connect the remaining wire ends to the remaining coin and hammock.
6. Glowing lights!
If you want to increase the brightness of the bulb, you simply need to get more potatoes. The important thing is to connect the potato string in the right order: a potato from this potato will connect to a zinc ring of another potato and it will thus form a circle. Even a long string of potatoes can light an LED bulb.
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How do they work?
In potatoes containing salt and acid, it is a natural electrolyte. When you put up coins and zinc washers, the voltage can emit between them. If you connect a ten thousand designs in a potato, instead of an LED, you can see that the potato produces an electrical current of about 0.9 volts.
In order for an LED light bulb to work, you need a current of about 1.7 - 2 volts or 2-3 potatoes.