What to look for when buying an old Android phone?

Everyone loves buying new phones, which is obvious, but the reality is that not everyone is eligible to buy new Android phones for themselves. That is why the solution now is to find and buy used phones, used phones.

And the question that most people have is, how to choose an old phone that is still 'delicious'. That is no damage and still Zin (has not been replaced with components - not Fake goods).

Well, if you were to acquire an acquaintance's good, congratulations. If you buy from a store or somewhere on the Internet, I will have a few important notes for you as follows:

NOTE: This article is my personal experience on how to buy an old Android phone. If you do not know how to test like the steps in the tutorial, you can ask someone with experience to guide you before going to buy, or ask them to go buy with them, that's good!

#first. Choose a reputable facility

This is the most important, you need to find information regarding this store. See if they are reputable, how the warranty is, how the user reviews….

Search both Google Search and Youtube to get a better understanding of the store you plan to buy. To choose the face to send gold for the standard.

Because you bought an old phone, it means that you will not have a good economy. Therefore, you must be very careful before cashing down, to minimize the risks that you may face.

Any facility that you see little information about, you are a bit suspicious, while you are not familiar with technology anymore, it is best to find a more reputable place with a decent office / showroom . Please !

Okay, now it's time for the machine selection steps once you have found a reputable site . .

#2. Is the appearance still beautiful?

Picture 1 of What to look for when buying an old Android phone?

This is the part that is immediately visible, the easiest to evaluate, and it is also a pretty big factor for you to decide whether to buy or not.

If the phone you choose to buy has a glass back, metal back or metal rim, you need to note the following:

  1. Check if the metal rim of the device is distorted or peeling the paint much, if you are too dented, you should not buy because this phone may have been dropped very strongly => internal components may be damage.
  2. The back, you also check the same, but for the glass back you can check for scratches under the light bulb.
  3. Check the SIM slot, memory card slot, charging jack, headphone jack, . generally everything you see, see if there are signs of instability or not.

# 3. How to configure the machine?

Picture 3 of What to look for when buying an old Android phone?

Machine configuration is a key factor as it will directly affect your experience. And here's the price advantage that an old phone gives us.

If you have decided to buy an old Android device, I think you already have quite a bit of knowledge about the processors (CPUs) of Android brands, so I will not dig into each processor of the company anymore. Please.

In addition, it depends on the needs of each person, and the amount they spend to buy. So, about the computer configuration, you will find out more by yourself.

NOTE: For general users, there are not too many special requirements such as playing heavy games, making videos . most of today's mobile phones are able to balance them all.

The market for CHI of Android has a few prominent names such as Snapdragon from Qualcomm, Exynos from Samsung, Kirin from Huawei and MediaTek, . in my opinion, you should prioritize Snapdragon chips because of stability and optimized apps. very good.

Well, you should find out what segment of the processor is and when it will release it to match it, not just Snapdragon.

Read this article to understand more about the Snapdragon chip you guys: Why the chip of the old flagship is not used for the new mid-range device?

Regarding RAM, you should choose a device with a minimum capacity of 4GB, if you just use it normally, such as listening to calls, surfing Facebook, watching Youtube, playing light games . If you have a need to play heavy games continuously, you should choose 6GB or 8Gb RAM version.

# 4. How is the screen?

Picture 5 of What to look for when buying an old Android phone?

The screen is easy to check, you can long press and move an icon around the screen to see if there is any area that is not touch sensitive or dead.

Note: You should move the icon slowly, do not miss any position on the screen!

Then you open the color checking videos on Youtube to see if there are any exposed areas on the screen . If you want more details, you can use external software to check the colors.

For example this video, you can open it to check the color: 

Screen resolution is also important, If you have enough money, you should buy machines with screens from Full-HD (1920 x 1080) or higher for the best viewing experience.

At the present time, all phones have quite large screens, so the screen resolution only stops at HD +, which will cause more or less discomfort when using.

# 5. See Camera still working stably?

Picture 7 of What to look for when buying an old Android phone?

Take a few test shots in a variety of conditions. Then see if the image quality is right for you. Because it's an image, someone will like it or dislike it, it's up to you.

Remember to check if the camera's glass is much scratched, and the camera's focusing ability, . And do not forget to take a test video, then play it to see if the sound with the image is okay. no

# 6. Sound and WiFi test

You can try to access Youtube and listen to a certain MV to see how the sound quality is, if there is no noise.

And more importantly and to check if the Wifi card of that machine is still working well, see if there is some lag or not.

# 7. Check the PIN is still good, has been bottle a lot?

Picture 9 of What to look for when buying an old Android phone?

You can download the AccuBattery app to your Android device to check the PIN bottle status of the device.

If you buy a phone from an acquaintance, please borrow the device to experience 1-2 days to see if the actual PIN drop and usage time meet your needs, but buy it for half a day. it is very extreme to bring it to charge.

#8. Accessories included with the machine

Picture 11 of What to look for when buying an old Android phone?

Accessories are now very cheap and very plentiful, from wired headphones to wireless headphones are available for you to choose from, then the charging cable, charger, . are a lot.

If you buy an old phone with a charger and charger cable available from the manufacturer (Zin from the company) is too good, otherwise it's okay, you have a lot of options out there.

BUT, try to charge that device, see if the power is OK or not, are there any delays?

# 9. Your current Android operating system version

Picture 13 of What to look for when buying an old Android phone?

Most Android phones take slow, and not long, time to update.

So if the Android version of Android you are going to buy is too old, you should not buy it, because popular apps will be gradually removed because it is no longer supported for old Android versions, they will practice Resource center for application optimization of newer Android versions.

Recently, Google has released Android version 11, for versions like Android 6, 7, 8 can be considered quite old.

In addition to being optimized and using new features available on new Android versions, updating the Android operating system will make your device safer and more secure. So please pay attention to this Android upgrade when buying an old phone.

Well, so I have listed for you some notes you need to know before buying an old Android phone.

For some models with water resistance, you should only test the pressure on the phone to check (you can use the digital manometer), but absolutely do not test directly with water because no one warranty for where are you Wish you choose the right device.

Update 31 March 2021


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