What Needs to Consider While You Are Choosing a Business Phone System?

Once you have understood the different things to keep in mind while selecting the business phone system, the next thing to do is understand whether you want to have an on-premise solution or a cloud-hosted solution.

Heard about cNumber's 0370 numbers? Wondering what these numbers are and how do you get them for your business? 

To begin with, these are popularly known as Virtual phone numbers that have become the new normal for every business phone system today. Before we step into the factors that help us decide how to pick the best business phone system, let me walk you through the virtual telephony and all the hype around it. 

Picture 1 of What Needs to Consider While You Are Choosing a Business Phone System?

Virtual phone numbers are the cloud-based telecommunication services that give you the flexibility to host your entire telephone over the cloud. Such a solution enables one to access all of the services remotely and at affordable prices. To add to this, virtual phone numbers taken from cNumber aren't confined to a particular region or locality, instead they extend to international places, expanding the reach of the business.

Probably this is why more and more organizations are investing in a dedicated business phone system. If you are on the path of redefining your business communication and not sure which phone system to choose, here are a few things that would simplify the process for you. 

Selecting the right business phone system


The first and most important factor when selecting the business phone system is the price. There are tons of service providers that offer an array of packages. In order to make the right decision, it is important that you have outlined your requirements right.

Once done, you can then go ahead to handpick the different systems, sort them based on their offerings, and then compare their pricing structure. This will help you decide which of the systems are better in terms of services offered and the price charged.

Feature List

It is known that the business phone systems we have today are a lot different than the traditional ones. And this probably because the modern age business phone numbers come with an expanse of features.

Starting with the ease to transfer calls, forward them, send to voicemail, and have an automated response system, these business phones have a lot to offer. So before making the choice keep tabs on the features provided by the different providers and select the one that maps your interest best. 


Businesses are fragile. They could be on cloud nine today but fall down in the next five years. Or say a business that has just started rises to the extreme point in two years. The point is that it is difficult to predict the fate of a business or the resources needed to run the business.

In fact, it keeps changing from time to time, and hence, scalability emerges to be an important factor. The selected business phone system must provide the ease to scale the resources as needed.

Customer Service

Another factor that influences the choice of the business phone system is the type of service rendered. Working over the web, things might go wrong and it is important that you have a team ready to deal with the problems at the earliest.

Check with the service provider about their customer services. You can also refer to online reviews and ask their existing customers about the service provided by them. This will help you understand whether the chosen system is worth the cause. 

Infrastructure Requirements

Next is the infrastructure required to set up the business phone system. It is important to have an idea of what would be the hardware/software needed to launch the system. Whether or not your existing infrastructure would gel with the solution or if you would need to extend your existing infrastructure to add more resources for a strong and robust business phone system.


Once you have understood the different things to keep in mind while selecting the business phone system, the next thing to do is understand whether you want to have an on-premise solution or a cloud-hosted solution. 

The decision is totally yours and would vary based on your requirements. If you aren't looking for remote access and cloud telephony, the on-premise solution would suffice instead of cNumber's 0370 numbers. However, if you wish to go digital, shifting your infrastructure to the cloud would serve the purpose right.

Update 13 August 2020


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