Post-thanks corner: Google, Microsoft award millions of dollars to white-hat hackers, Toyota, NEC say 'thank you'
The trend of awarding security bug bounties is growing widely in the modern technology world, led by big names like Google, Microsoft or Facebook. However, there are many cases where businesses simply send 'thanks' to white hat hackers who have found security holes on their systems, especially Japanese businesses that are typical. is Toyota.
In terms of security, 2019 is a bad year for Japanese businesses when many large companies have encountered security scandals that cost tens of millions of dollars. For example, the case of Toyota Boshoku ($ 37 million damage), the leak of Honda's database (affecting more than 300,000 people), or the ATM at most Japanese banks are likely to be accessed. unauthorized access via network computers . And many of these have been discovered by white hat hackers.
Today, many companies consider the generous reward for white hat hackers, or rather, 'cooperating' with the free security world as a long-term bargain compared to risking coping with attacks. Although it may seem like a lot of damage to the network, it seems that many Japanese companies don't think this is justified.
Toyota recently sent a 'deep thanks' to the white-hat hackers who discovered many serious security holes in their systems. Absolutely not have any material bonus attached. Similarly, major Japanese technology companies such as NEC and Fujitsu do not have any preferential treatment for white hat hackers.
Post-thanks corner: Google, Microsoft award millions of dollars to white-hat hackers, Toyota, NEC say 'thank you' Picture 1
"Culturally, Japanese companies don't want to admit that they have a problem," said a Japanese social research expert.
This is in stark contrast to Western businesses. At the end of November, Google said it would pay up to $ 1.5 million to anyone who could find a serious flaw on Android devices, Apple promised to award $ 1 million to anyone who hacked an iPhone, Microsoft regularly organizes bounty contests, such as Tesla, Fiat Chrysler, Starbucks, etc.These are just examples of the generosity of many American technology companies to the security world. by. In Asia, Grab also announced a $ 10,000 reward for people who find security holes.
The average reward for discovering security holes increased 70% worldwide in just 2 years, to $ 3,380 in 2018. Acknowledgments are an acknowledgment of the hard work, but obviously bonuses are also extremely important. That is the encouragement, the motivation of white hat hackers. The process of finding a security hole is not easy, they also need money to cover their lives and raise their passion, not to mention the cases of 'making a living' thanks to the bug bounty. If Japanese businesses keep their position, they will suffer in the long run!
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