What is the purpose of Google providing free wifi in Vietnam? Is there really a 'free meal'?

Is there really a 'free meal'?

Recently, Google began offering free Internet via "Google Station" service at several universities in Vietnam. Students at many universities in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang had the opportunity to experience free wifi of this Internet giant. So, why does Google provide free Internet to users? This is a question of many people because everyone knows that there is nothing for nothing.


Advertising is Google's source of life during the past two decades and this is also the purpose of the technology giant when providing free wifi to Vietnamese people.

Picture 1 of What is the purpose of Google providing free wifi in Vietnam? Is there really a 'free meal'?

When accessing Google Station, users will have to watch a short ad, about 10 seconds before being able to connect to the network. Thus, Google Station becomes a channel for Google to deliver ads to users.

This business model has appeared in Vietnam for a long time. At airports, for example, there are many free Wi-Fi sponsors, but in return you have to watch their ads.

Support for Gmail, YouTube, Maps, Play .

Picture 2 of What is the purpose of Google providing free wifi in Vietnam? Is there really a 'free meal'?

With a stable network, users will be able to access Google services like Gmail or YouTube . And of course, this will also help Google to increase advertising revenue from its services.

The fact that Google offers free wifi is no longer a new thing. The giant is even covering free wifi at 500 train stations in India, hospitals and schools in many other developing countries.

Engage users with Google

Picture 3 of What is the purpose of Google providing free wifi in Vietnam? Is there really a 'free meal'?

In Vietnam, Google has become one of the best free icons for products such as Gmail, Google Docs . The provision of free wifi at universities is one of the ways for this giant to make more sympathy of young domestic users and attracting new users.

In short, of course, Google does not burn money, they hope to achieve certain benefits when deciding to provide free wifi in Vietnam. For users, watching a few short ads for free, stable and high-speed wifi instead of spending a sum of money for 3G is also a bad choice.

Update 24 May 2019


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