What is Kodi Box?

Although we discussed the Kodi application in detail in the past, we probably haven't spent much time talking about the Kodi box. With the Kodi box becoming increasingly popular, this article is intended to give you more information about it.

Although we discussed the Kodi application in detail in the past, we probably haven't spent much time talking about the Kodi box. With the Kodi box becoming increasingly popular, this article is intended to give you more information about it.

For those who are not familiar with Kodi, some of its main features include being able to run it on the desktop, installing the Android version from Google Play Store or even finding an alternative solution that helps Kodi run on iOS device.

As for the Kodi box, they are becoming increasingly popular.

If you regularly follow the news about cord-cutting, you may find it a little concerned about the legitimacy of such boxes. This article will explain what a Kodi box is and give you a clear answer to their legitimacy.

(In broadcast television, cord-cutting is a term referring to a sample of viewers, called cord-cutter, canceling subscription to cable television services, reducing pay TV channels or posting hours. Sign watch to switch to rival media available on the Internet like Amazon Prime, Crunchyroll, Hulu, Netflix and YouTube Premium).

What is Kodi Box? Is it legal?

  1. What is Kodi?
  2. What is a Kodi box?
  3. Is Kodi illegal?
  4. Is the Kodi box illegal?
  5. Can the authorities ban Kodi for the Kodi box?
  6. Can authorities prosecute you when using Kodi?
    1. In the UK
    2. In America
    3. In Europe

What is Kodi?

Picture 1 of What is Kodi Box?

Before explaining what a Kodi box is, it would be better to clarify the concept of Kodi.

Formerly known as XMBC, Kodi is a free and open source media player. It acts as a single centralized center for all your locally saved entertainment types. It also allows you to watch live TV thanks to its support for most popular back-end, including MediaPortal, MythTV, NextPVR, Tvheadend and VDR.

Kodi is a cross-platform software (available on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS). It can play almost any media format you include and can stream your content to other Kodi settings online or any device that supports UPnP.

However, for many users, the greatest attraction of the software lies in its additional utilities. Since this application is open source, there are thousands of additional utilities to choose from. Some of Kodi's best add-ons are completely legal (like YouTube, Hulu and Spotify), while others are definitely illegal.

Unfortunately, illegal ones get the most attention. They often allow you to watch live sports shows from around the world, play the latest episodes of your favorite TV shows or watch the latest Hollywood blockbusters on the very day they are released at theater.

What is a Kodi box?

Picture 2 of What is Kodi Box?

The Kodi box is a standalone device that runs Kodi software and plugs directly into your TV or monitor. The boxes have the full version of the application installed and ready to use. All you need is this box, power cord and HDMI cable.

Some boxes are specifically designed to run only Kodi software, while others are modified versions of the normal media player. Kodi can run on Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, Google Nexus Player, Nvidia Shield, any device that supports Android TV, Raspberry Pi and a range of products from smaller manufacturers.

Is Kodi illegal?

The answer is no. Kodi is not an illegal application at the present time and will almost certainly never become illegal in the future.

Simply put, Kodi is nothing but a media application. When you install it on the device, it is completely empty. It is like an empty shell, waiting for users to put content. There are no built-in utilities available, and even if they are available, the developers will not be foolish to bring illegal applications into Kodi.

Kodi even has an official archive for additional utilities. Every additional gadget here is completely legal to download and use.

Is the Kodi box illegal?

Again, the answer is no. But this time, there is a warning to note.

First of all, it should be clear that, if you buy a Kodi box and there is nothing other than a copy of the installed application, you are not in violation of the law. Your purchase is completely legal, and you have nothing to worry about. But if you choose to do something else, you will be responsible for your decision.

If you are looking to buy a Kodi box or keyword phrase, pay special attention to "Fully Loaded" (fully loaded). These suggestions are very popular on sites like eBay and Craigslist. will also advertise free movies or live sports programs.

Picture 3 of What is Kodi Box?

These boxes are illegal. The law in most countries, including the United States, is clear: Access to copyrighted content is prohibited. Therefore, buying, selling and using them can cause you trouble. If you value your freedom, you should avoid buying a 'fully loaded' Kodi box.

Interestingly, the 'fully loaded' boxes are nothing special. Sellers merely upload some of the most common illegal gadgets into them. That means nothing can prevent you from turning a normal Kodi box into a 'fully loaded' Kodi box.

Can the authorities ban Kodi for the Kodi box?

This is very unlikely. 'Fully loaded' Kodi boxes are very attractive because they can work like a typical satellite box or cable box. When you use the Kodi remote control, you can surf through channels and often receive instructions on the TV.

But in terms of content, they are no different when using Windows, Chrome or any other application to access pirated content. You don't need any specialized technical knowledge and if you know some sources, there are lots of illegal content that you can watch for free.

If Windows escapes the control of law, Kodi will also be safe.

Can authorities prosecute you when using Kodi?

Picture 4 of What is Kodi Box?

The answer to this question depends on where you live.

In the UK

In the UK, there is now a tough move to eliminate sellers of these devices. A man from Middlesbrough became the first to be prosecuted for selling 'fully loaded' Kodi boxes, when he was tried in May 2017. He was convicted and received a fine of £ 250,000.

Another man, Terry O'Reilly, received a four-year sentence for a more serious "scam" after he was accused of selling more than 1,000 Kodi boxes to pubs across the country. Prosecutors say that buyers use these boxes to display live Premier League football programs for their patrons for free.

"The authorities have come up with a clear message: This is unlawful and selling systems that allow people to watch unauthorized Premier League broadcasts is a form of mass piracy. and serious enough to be prosecuted. Now, consumers have no doubt that it is illegal to identify these systems. ' - According to Kevin Plumb, Director of Legal Services of the Premier League, said after Mr. O'Reilly's allegations (Quoted from the official page of the City of London Police).

Whether or not the court can prosecute end users is unclear, but it does not seem to happen at the moment. However, things can change quickly. It is wiser to pay attention to the advice of Lord Toby Harris, president of the National Association of Commercial Standards in the UK:

'I will warn any person or business that sells or operates such a device that violates copyright laws. National trade standards will continue to protect legitimate business and fight copyright infringers in this way. ' (According to The Express).

In America

In the US, the same thing happened. Some users have complained that they received a copyright infringement notification from their ISP. Remember, your ISP knows exactly what you are watching online.

It is reasonable to assume that the Kodi box will quickly be controlled in the same way as torrent clients in the US. The registrants of this country's major ISPs face their connection to be cut, if they repeatedly ignore the warnings.

In Europe

In Europe, the situation is a bit different. According to the European Court of Justice (CJEU), you do not violate the law if you use the Kodi box (or Kodi desktop application) to stream copyrighted material.

The law stems from a landmark lawsuit in 2014. Some media corporations sued Meltwater Media Services. But CJEU supports Meltwater. CJEU said that viewing copyrighted content is not a copyright infringement because users only temporarily have data on their computers.

However, you should not be complacent. The European Union debate on copyright issues in the digital market is still under consideration. Depending on the end result, the law may change completely.

In short, Kodi and Kodi box applications are legitimate. It is illegal for 'fully loaded' Kodi boxes to contain additional utilities that allow you to access copyrighted material. Of course, it is also illegal to use Kodi to access pirated content on your computer. However, that is not what the authorities are aiming for.

See more:

  1. Instructions on how to clear cache on Kodi
  2. Instructions for updating Kodi on Android
  3. 3 reasons why you should use VPN with Kodi
Update 25 May 2019


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