What is a timekeeper? Are there any types?

Learn more about timekeepers, a device that helps control the working time of employees correctly, thereby improving the efficiency of the business very effectively offline!

In this article, TipsMake.com will introduce you to the current common timekeeper as well as the detailed characteristics of each type to help you easily choose for your agency or business. Have a good attendance list!

Timekeeping is an indispensable activity in agencies, companies, businesses, factories, factories . for the management department, personnel to monitor the time, working time of employees From there, there is a basis for calculating salaries, bonuses and improving labor discipline in the most effective way. Currently, there are many models of timekeepers born and more and more commonly used to replace traditional timebooks. So what is the timekeeper, what are the types, which ones are good, and find out right away!

Quick review of content

  1. What is a timekeeper? What are the advantages and benefits?
  2. What types of timekeepers are there?
    1. 1. Mechanical timekeeper
    2. 2. Electronic timekeeper
    3. 3. Attendance application on smartphones
  3. Should I buy a timekeeper good?
    1. 1. Demand for use
    2. 2. Operational ability
    3. 3. Brand
    4. 4. Price
  4. How to use the timekeeper correctly?

Picture 1 of What is a timekeeper? Are there any types?

Attendance helps manage employee working time effectively.

What is a timekeeper? What are the advantages and benefits?

Timekeeper is a device used to record employees' working hours and melting hours, providing a basis for determining whether or not employees are on time, going early and late . From Attendance data obtained from machines, management and human resources departments can calculate wages and bonuses accurately for employees, help improve working awareness, discipline for agencies and enterprises to operate more effective.

Compared to traditional timesheets, timekeepers help:

  1. Shorten time attendance;
  2. Avoid errors when recording time attendance, ensure objectivity and easily resolve complaints related to timekeeping of employees because the time due to the machine is not human confirmed;
  3. Increasing the convenience of time attendance thanks to machines often have many features and utilities.

Therefore, timekeepers are increasingly chosen by many agencies and businesses to replace the traditional timekeeping method, especially in locations with large staff, strict requirements for working time. .

Picture 2 of What is a timekeeper? Are there any types?

The timekeeper world is extremely diverse.

What types of timekeepers are there?

On the market today there are many different models of timekeepers, making you may be confused when you do not know which type to choose accordingly. Although there are a large number of products, in fact, the classification of timekeepers is quite simple, specifically as follows:

Mechanical timekeeper

This is the type of timekeeper but the timekeeper will put the paper card into the machine. After that, the time of attendance and exit of each shift is printed directly on the timesheet card (so this machine is also known by the simpler name than the paper card timekeeper). The aggregation of timekeeping data needs to be done manually before the new user can rely on the support of payroll software to handle these data.

Picture 3 of What is a timekeeper? Are there any types?
Paper card timekeeper shortens time attendance effectively.

This type of paper timekeeper is characterized by :

  1. Time attendance is fast, only takes about 1 second for each turn.
  2. Often accompanied by the chime alarm and shift shifts.
  3. The initial investment cost is quite cheap, but in the process of using it will incur the cost of buying paper cards, replacing ink.
  4. The timekeeper must remember to bring the card, keep the card flat and dry, then it can be recorded.
  5. Attendance status may occur.
  6. Timekeeping data is manually synthesized, so it takes time to avoid errors.

Electronic timekeeper

This is the type of timekeeper that the employee ID and the employee identification mark are saved first to the device memory. When the timekeeper succeeds in authenticating the identity that has been registered in advance, the time attendance is saved directly to the timekeeper memory. Timekeeping data is then transferred to the computer and synthesized and processed using fully automated time attendance software based on specific user requirements.

Depending on how the identity of the timekeeper is identified, the electronic timekeeper will be classified into:

  1. Biometric timekeeper: Identify by scanning fingerprints, faces or irises.
  2. Touch card timekeeper, magnetic card: Identify by scanning the touch card, magnetic card.

Picture 4 of What is a timekeeper? Are there any types?

The card timekeeper is highly appreciated for convenience.

This type of electronic timekeeper is characterized by :

  1. Data is synthesized and processed automatically, can be stored long-term and exported into different reports as required, saving time, ensuring high accuracy and convenience.
  2. Electronic timekeepers can integrate two timekeeping methods with biometric and card-based methods and can support access control features.
  3. Biometric timekeeper can overcome the status of attendance, help security, effective security but slow attendance speed (usually about 6 seconds for fingerprint timekeepers, timekeeper may be longer ), may be affected if employees wear protective gear, fingerprints are blurred or dirty .
  4. Timekeeper with magnetic card, touch card with fast attendance speed (only takes about 2 seconds for each turn) but can still occur the timekeeping phenomenon and will incur additional expenses for card tablets during use.

Picture 5 of What is a timekeeper? Are there any types?
Fingerprint timekeeper prevents effective attendance status.

Timekeeping application on smartphones

Strictly speaking, this is not a timekeeper but a new timekeeping method and has begun to be applied in life. With this type of timekeeping, the timekeeper will authenticate the identity via Wifi ID at the company, GPS positioning at the allowed location or actual photo. Timekeeping data is stored, processed and automatically synthesized according to the same requirements as in the electronic timekeeper line.

Timekeeping application on mobile platforms in addition to being able to synthesize and process data quickly also brings high convenience, time saving because employees can time right at the beginning of the working day without waiting for anyone. However, timekeeping in this way will require everyone to have a smartphone and a high monthly usage fee so it is not too popular.

Picture 6 of What is a timekeeper? Are there any types?
Modern face timekeeper, enhance security for office.

Should I buy a timekeeper good?

To choose the right timekeeping device, do not ignore some of the following notes!

Select the timekeeper to match the demand

Each type of timekeeper has its own advantages and disadvantages so you should base on your specific needs to choose the most suitable device. Usually:

  1. The appropriate paper card timekeeper is used for locations of multiple shifts, not too large staff, may have to work with machines, so it is not convenient to use biometric time attendance method.
  2. Time attendance card, touch card suitable for businesses, factories . very large staff (scale up to thousands of people), the work can be related to machines, so they do not use be biometric time attendance; It is possible to combine the door control function if it is necessary to increase the security of the office.
  3. Fingerprint, face, iris timekeeper is suitable for offices and offices requiring security, high security, not too crowded staff; It is possible to use a door control function if security is increased.

In addition, with the type of electronic timekeeper, you also need to pay attention to the size of staff to choose the device with the appropriate memory capacity as well as should only choose the necessary features to save costs.

Choose a timekeeper that can work sustainably

Timekeeper needs to be made of high quality materials to ensure long-term, durable operation. The design of the machine should be compact, no area and easy to use as well as handle the timekeeping tasks quickly to optimize the timekeeping so that it is convenient, most effective.

Choose timekeeper from reputable brands

Choosing a genuine timekeeper from well-known brands will ensure the quality, durability and warranty for the device. You can refer to some reputable timekeeper brands such as Ronald Jack, Wise Eye, ZKTeco, Gigata, Mita, Kobio .

Choose the timekeeper with the right price

The price of employee timekeeper in the market is quite diverse, there are cheap ones with only about 2 million dong, there are more than 10 million dongs depending on the timekeeping, the features of the machine, the manufacturer . So, consider carefully your use needs to choose the right equipment at the most affordable price. Prices of current models of timekeeper for your reference:

  1. Paper card timekeeper price: 2.5 - 6.5 million VND
  2. Touch card timekeeper price, magnetic card: 2.5 - 12.5 million VND
  3. Fingerprint time machine price: 2.5 - 11.5 million
  4. Price of face time machine: 3.5 - 11.5 million
  5. Timekeeper by eye: Over 10 million VND

Picture 7 of What is a timekeeper? Are there any types?

The line of electronic timekeepers comes with automatic, flexible and convenient data processing software.

How to use the timekeeper correctly?

In the process of using the timekeeper, in addition to following the manufacturer's instructions during the installation process, installing the timekeeper, connecting the timekeeper with the computer, installing timekeeping software . then do not ignore some of the following precautions to ensure the machine is always working correctly, endlessly and effectively:

  1. Installing machines in dry and safe locations; If you need to use an outdoor machine, you should equip a waterproof cabinet or leather case to protect it from the sun, rain, dust .
  2. Need to clean the timekeeper regularly so that dirt does not cling to buttons, sensors, machine details .
  3. With paper card timekeeper, the card should be kept flat, not wet or torn and the ink ribbon of the machine should be replaced as soon as the ink runs out so as not to affect the print head life.
  4. With fingerprint timekeeper, timekeepers need to keep their hands clean and dry to avoid the case of not getting fingerprints.
  5. For electronic timekeepers, data related to employees who are on leave should be deleted to free up memory and speed up the device.

Hopefully the above information has helped you better understand the timekeeper equipment and can choose a device suitable for the needs of your agency and business in the easiest way!

See more :

  1. Where to buy fingerprint timekeeper to ensure genuine, cheap in Hanoi, TP. HCM?
  2. Should I buy a timekeeper Ronald Jack?
  3. Common errors on timekeepers and how to fix them
Update 02 August 2019


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