Use Bluetooth to surf the web via ... mobile networks

When leaving the office, away from landline phones, wireless and wired Internet access points, many laptop users think that is the end of the way to access the network. Few people think of using a Bluetooth-enabled phone to surf the net.

When leaving the office, away from landline phones, wireless and wired Internet access points, many laptop users think that is the end of the way to access the network. Few people think of using a Bluetooth-enabled phone to surf the net.

If you are in a big city, outside the office surfing the net is not difficult to find in a cafe, or place where public access points (hotspots), just need to register with the network service provider. Internet. However, when going out of the city to the tourist areas, which still have mobile waves but rarely have hotspot access points as well as Internet cafes, you still have plans to surf the web with the mobile phone network.

Most new mobile phones support data networks such as GPRS or 3G for double the 56K modem, so you can access the Internet that way. Instead of using a Wi-Fi connection at a hotspot, you use the on-board data transfer service provided by that mobile service provider. The better if the handset you use is equipped with Bluetooth, you can surf the web while it is still in your pocket. This is equivalent to the case where the laptop itself supports GPRS or 3G connectivity.

Hardware requirements

There are two main hardware requirements to implement this problem. First, your laptop must also be equipped with Bluetooth wireless connectivity, it is better to install Windows XP, to make it easier to install data connection software from many mobile phone manufacturers and submit it. Controlling phone modems (drivers) usually works only with Windows operating systems (Apple laptops with the latest Mac OSX 10.2 operating system are also available).

Picture 1 of Use Bluetooth to surf the web via ... mobile networks
If your laptop is not built-in Bluetooth, you can easily add this feature by purchasing a Bluetooth USB adapter converter.

The second requirement for hardware is the mobile phone that supports data connection networks and Bluetooth. That is, your phone must be supported with GPRS or 3G. Check the documentation for your device or service provider to make sure your mobile phone can be used as a network modem by dial-up dialing. Some mobile phones require you to download the software to your phone before it runs this modem function.

And yet, you must also check that the service provider has allowed Internet connection service on the phone.

And when all of these requirements are "OK", then you should not be too carefree to go online via this method. Check the Internet rates for mobile phones, so you don't get shocked when you see the bill soaring.

A final accessory that is indispensable in this connection is the data transmission cable, which is usually equipped with the device when you buy it, or if not, go to the store to buy more available. Such accessories. These cables are usually inexpensive and always have a USB port and an adaptive head plugged into the data port of the phone.

Installation and identification

Next, you need to install the software to control the phone modem driver into your laptop. The manufacturer also usually provides these driver software on websites and you can download it. If you are wondering if the right driver cannot be checked on Google by the same keyword string, including: Phone name and modem driver.

After finding the driver, you can download, unzip, plug the mobile phone into your laptop via the cable and the USB port of the laptop. When done, a hardware notification window will appear asking if you want to find the driver. If you have installed the driver, click on the deny entry and go directly to this "wizard" to get the driver path.

After that, you will get the driver prompt dialog to select the device type. Select the type of modem to finish, this driver will download and install itself. If all goes well, your phone now takes on the role of a modem.

Turn on Bluetooth

On the phone, turn on the Bluetooth connection via the built-in software. Turn on discoverable mode on your Bluetooth phone, the laptop can recognize your mobile phone when Bluetooth connectivity is turned on.

With Windows XP operating system, you can open the Bluetooth device identifier right on the Control panel control toolbar. Note that the Bluetooth Devices section (Bluetooth Devices) may be displayed or will not be displayed if your laptop does not have this connection. However, when you have used the USB-Bluetooth adapter, take the My Bluetooth Places window to the desktop. Then, click Add and then follow the instructions in the Add Bluetooth Devices dialog box. You will be able to see your mobile phone is also showing the dialog like that.

Thus, your mobile phone can now connect wirelessly to a laptop via Bluetooth.

Internet connection settings

In Windows XP, open the network connection item in the Control panel. Click on the New Connection Wizard. Follow the instructions and select Dial-up Connection. After that, you will receive a prompt to enter the key as the mobile phone number you use for dialing, username and password (password). Contact your service provider to obtain this information. After entering the information, click OK and the connection will be established.

In fact, Dial-up networking uses Bluetooth almost the same way you use a regular modem. You will only take about 30 minutes to install. It can be even faster if your mobile phone comes with PC connectivity software, and handles the dial-up configuration process and gives you access to the Internet with just a few clicks. For example, with the new Samsung phone, SGH-Z140, coming to an application called Internet Access, the job of connecting to the Internet through it will be so easy.

Connecting to the Internet uses a Bluetooth mobile phone as well as using a regular phone modem. The speed of this connection depends on the wireless data network technology from the service provider, such as GPRS is usually 100 kb / s while 3G is 350 kb / s. After connecting to the Internet, you will see a connection icon in the taskbar, showing the speed when entering the network.

As a final note, keep an eye on the time to go online with your mobile phone, because usually the charges are very expensive. You may be shocked when you receive a bill.


Update 25 May 2019


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